Versatile frontliner looking for GvG guild
Positions played: Excellent anything frontline, decent some midline, decent some backline, never tried flagging.
Credentials: G1, top 800 exp. 2,045 hours over 33 months.
Skills: Quarterknock, call, call tactics, interrupt 3/4 casting time (about 50% of the time), shut down appropriate targets, pre-prot.
Other: Prefer ORGANIZED AND SERIOUS guilds. EST timezone. Very few, preferably none, gimmicky builds. Willing to learn anything. Play time is from 7-10 on weekdays and on and off throughout weekends, about 5 hours a day on weekends.
If you need to contact me, please do so in-game or on AIM: IGN - Disciples Enigma AIM - FootballCrazee7