LF Guild(American)
Looking for a guild to keep me interested in this game.
IGN: Doctor Scarn
Previous Guilds:Hurricane Katrina Made Me Rich[Loot] ; Kawk Smash[Ouch]; White Mantle[wm]; By the Beard of[Zeus]; Team Sausage[tS], Theres a Party in My Pants[Come]
Spots played: Frontline/Bitch roles mainly. Can also backline decently
References: Mourne Yegan, Bogatyr the Mighty, DVDA, Magician Lulu, I Snow Bunny I, God Aquarius, Red Snipes You
Titles: r3 Hero
r3 Glad
17 Champ Points
I don't care about rank/rating, I just want to play with half decent people. Pm on these forums or in game.