Looking for active guild
Hello firstly i'd like to introduce myself. My name is Nesta(Jase IRL) I'm a 21 year old fulltime student and Tesco monkey from Glasgow, Scotland. I've been playing GW for over 40 months now so i have a wealth of expierence and knowledge about the game. I have all the games/expansions and for the most part i play as an Assassin! The things i enjoy most in Guild Wars are missions, vanquishing and guild events such as trips to elite areas. However what i really get my Guild Wars jollies from is helping people.
I'm not on as often as i used to be due to real life commitments... So i'd like to say i'm not looking for a guild that wants me to be on 24/7 or close to it. I am on most days a week for atleast an hour or 2, however if theres a guild event going down i can be flexible.
Really i'm not fussed where the guild is from as it's all the same to me... though i'd prefer a European or Australian guild for time zones purposes.
If you guild is active and friendly with members who love to do missions, quests and the rest of that stuff... I want to hear from you.