Looking for an active EU TZ based guild
As much of a cliche as the title is, it's what I am looking for. Am I searching for the holy grail, or am I deluded? I don't know.
I've come to the stage in GW where I want to start gaining material posessions. Armor sets (Elite Kurzick for my Mesmer, oh my), shiny weapons (I have a taste for Vabbi) and what not, but obviously it's a long road. I'd like to actually go down that road with a decent bunch of people.
With that in mind, my goal is to make some money. I'm familiar with the prospect of spending money to make money, and thus I have a bit set aside to get set up as it were, but I lack the experience to go at it alone. I'd like to be in a guild where I can learn through practice instead of people just giving you a build and saying "use that". Integration through activity, be it giving me a hand with getting skills that I might need, or vice versa.
So, I'll list a couple of qualities I am after in a guild:
- EU TZ based.
- Active. I don't really want to be logging on when I get home from work to find that nobody is on all night, all week.
- Mature. Despite me being quite young respectively (19), I'm mature. I'd like my guild mates to be too, so an older playerbase would suit I guess.
- Helpful. As stated above, I'd like to be around people that actually give a damn about their members.
- The ability to construct a sentence without having to resort to 1337 speak. I can manage lol, but only in small doses. Anything more and I start to rage.
What can I offer?
- Activity. I can be active for at least a 4 or 5 hours a night if needs be, longer on days off.
- Ventrilo. Seems to be all the rage, I can provide a server.
- Webhosting. Tentatively, purely because I am a little bit rusty, and a terrible coder, but it's up for grabs.
- Music. I do internet radio. It's not bad.
Think that's about it. I'm normally ingame on Eryn Goldstone or Ilian Volvoya, so either respond to this thread or send me a whisper ingame if you've got something to offer me.
/e: Found myself a guild. Nice response time too.
Last edited by Eryn Goldstone; Mar 20, 2009 at 07:33 PM // 19:33..
Reason: Guild found