Looking for Guild
I am a 4 year player, with over 600 hours of playing time on Guild Wars. I have 4 level 20's. Two of which are a Monk (Little Ringer) and a Warrior (Arctics Monsta) on which I play the most to farm and do other stuff. I wear elite judgemental armor from grotto on the monk, with 15k tattoos from droknar to farm. On the warrior is elite gladiator armor with the obsidian helmet. I farm ecto's and do anything fun and exciting. I recently took about a 5 month break, but I'm looking to get back into the game now, and I'll be on almost everyday for a few hours.
Looking for a guild with the following:
Lots of members
Lots of faction (Doesn't matter kurz or lux)
Huge alliance
Talkative, entertaining members.
Very active ventrilo
And a fun environment.
PM Me @ Little Ringer or just send an invite, and pm me on here why I should join your guild.