LF Euro Daily Gvg.
Hey, so yeah, I took a long break from GW a while ago and recently i've started playing again, and i want to get some GvGs going.
I had alot of GvG's at average level, around Top 400.
My positions are mainly prot monk and that's what i would prefer to play by far, healing is fine as well and i can also do bitchroles decently but not permanently.
All i want is to play daily GvG, i don't really care if the guild is r2000 or r500 (not at this point anyway), as long as we get to GvG every day or every other day.
One thing that i do care about though is people not giving up and stop GvGing after a loss because they're scared to lose more rating.
Obviously i have vent, TS, mic, UAX with monk, nearing G2, GMT+2 and i'll tell you anything else you want to know in game.
IGN: Target Chuck