Exp PvE Player Looking For Home
I'm an experienced player who's done nearly everything in the game and achieved almost everything I want but who still comes on for fun and I'm looking for somewhere to call home.
The guild I've been in has been full of good people but they've all stopped playing over the last 6 months.
I don't mind about the size, as long as people are mature, friendly and enjoy a laugh. I'm based in Wales, UK and would prefer a European based guild but I'm not ruling out a North American guild.
It doesn't matter about skill level or experience but some experience would help.
I tend to keep myself to myself in terms of grouping as I can never tell how long I have to play, but when I do get the chance I'm more than happy to group up for something I fancy doing, or to help out. However I'm very chatty and enjoy a good laugh.
The best place to contact me is private message on Guru, or you can whisper me in game.