LF Luxon PVP/HA Guild
Hi, I've been playing the PvE version of GW for about 12 months, and recently I have gotten bored of it and turned to the PvP aspect of the game and have been doing various PvP related things without an experienced team.
I can normally run any Assassian Build it'll just take a day or so to get use to, and same thing with any Ranger or Mesmer build, those are the classes i tend to do the best with and have played the most.
Im looking for a guild that does alot of PvP and does and has a decent team that an Assassian can fit into HA.
I dont have a rank in the hero title tract but thats what normally pushes guilds away, i will admit im no where near where id like to be PvP wise and I want to join a guild thats really experienced at it and can teach me so I can become better and help the guild out as much as I can.
If anyone can help me or is willing to let me join and learn/participate in any PvP realted events with their guild. Please message me in game my IGN is Corrupt Apollyon, and I live in the US on the east coast so my Time zone is -5 GMT.
I normally play from 5 PM EST to 11 PM EST, Just message me ingame if your interested in having me.
Corrupt Apollyon