Looking for a nice, friendly, guild
Hey guys,
Very briefly, I used to play Guild Wars when it first came out (before quitting after a couple of months), and have recently got back into it. I have to admit I'm not exactly the world's best player, but I like to think I'm not a total noob (although I may be close!).
I'm from the UK, and I'm currently at university (I'm 19), and I'm looking for a friendly guild, with people who won't mind the occasional (I promise it won't be that often!) noobish question, and are reasonably social (not hard core, I'm quite laid back, and although I would be active, I wouldn't spend my entire life online).
I like to think I'm a reasonably friendly chap, and I've been feeling rather lonely playing with no guild for the past week or so, so please if anyone will tolerate me then that would great (just send me a PM!),
Hope you're okay,
(IGN: Miles The Conqueror)