Looking for Dayway, Fowsc, Doasc, Dungeon Sc's
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My name is Ritualist Of God. I have a rit with 23 maxed. I usually max my titles with heroes on my own time. I dont really need a title hunting guild as most are just simple things i can get done by myself or with my friends list. Im looking for an experienced speed clearing guild. Whether it be Doa, or Fow, or Uw. I have applied to most of the big sc'ing guilds and have been rejected due to opinions others have about me. I dont know everyone of the people who have drama with me, but the guilds dont look for my point of view. I have been rejected by DL, ToA and OhNo. I have been accepted into Out, GS alliance and a few HA guilds. Atm i am trying to farm my money as fast as possible. I can run sin, monk and rit. Other characters are in development and can easily be adapted to run such builds in all areas. If anyone has any questions please contact me on these forums.