Cab Speedy LF PvE Guild
In game Name:
Cab Speedyy
Type of Guild LF:
LF an expirienced PvE Guild
1. Has to be an established guild
2. Uses vent
My playtime:
1. Defenetly not able to play from 6am-4pm (mondays and wensdays), 8am-2pm and 5pm-9pm (tusdays and thursdays)
2.I will leave fridays, saturdays and sundays undefined since I do not have a specific schedual those days.
3. all this is -4:00 GMT
Description of myself:
1.In game- Started playing GW since about two weaks since it came out, own all of the expansions (exept the bonus mission pack), Have all my character slots filled with RP characters (all Lv20) and have acces to HM in every land. my former main character was a Mo (Healer Named Cab) with wich I originaly passed all the story lines but since my return to the game (didin't play for about 2 years) decided to start a character from scratch and play as though I where a noob. This character is a Rt (Cab Speedyy) and I have already cleard (in NM) the faction and night fall storyline with him and can use a resto or a dps build with him, though i find myself open to opinions on how to improve my play with said character. I have not taken part in any real guild before since the guild I was in before was one that a freind of mine (the one who intruduced me to GW) made but never took off the ground.
2.In Real Life Description- 20 year old college student (M) majoring in computer engeniring from Puerto Rico. Currently located in Puerto Rico, I am a bilingual and have both a desktop computer and a laptop in witch to play GW with the ability to use vent.
If Interested in having me in your guild:
You can pm my GwG (Cab Speedy) with info on your guild or contact me via game to my character Cab Speedyy (but mention you saw my aplication for LF PvE Guild before hand or I will ignore you)