2 PvPers LF Kurz guild
Title practically says it all.
Well, my friend and I have been playing GW together for quite some time now. We've known eachother in real life for the past seven years, and just have a lot of fun playing the game in PvP, as well as throwing PvE into the mix once and a while.
Our past guilds have been incredibly interesting when it comes to the topic of PvP. Really interesting. Amusing even. What we're basically looking for is a guild who's laid back, however knows when it's time to get serious.
We primarily play Alliance Battles, Fort Aspenwood, and Random Arenas on an almost daily basis, as we have just adapted to what they have to offer. That being said, this does not mean that we are unable to learn the processes of GvG as well as HA; we are more than willing to learn what exactly it would take to succeed in said game types as well.
My friend tends to stick to warrior and ranger classes/builds, as I tend to stick to assassin and dervish.
Both of us have PC mics, as well as access to Ventrilo.
If you have any other questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to drop me a PM at any time in game.
My igns:
In Da Booshes
Like A Spider
Mr. Pimentel