New Player Looking for Lux Guild
I've been playing GW for a couple months now and I'm really enjoying it. Now I'm looking for a mature guild that has patience for new players. I really want to start doing some of the end game areas like FoW, UH, the Deep, Realm of Torment, etc. I mostly play a SoS ritualist and ive finished Fations, EotN, and NF with him as well as Prop with my Ranger. I would like to join a guild that actually does things like VQ, dungeons and such on a steady basis and I'm on pretty regularly. I dont want to just SC, I would like to xperience the content. I played CoH for a couple of years and WoW when it first came out until now, so I'm familiar with mmorpg play. My IGN is Warlord Zorghal so let me know if I'm someone that fits into your rosters.