I’m really tired of ZKEY farming via ZE & RA & Zoins
Where’s all the PvP recruiters?????
I’ve been mostly PvE since I started GW 57 months ago. But I’ve tried to “break into” the PvP world several times (currently 80 points from G3 doin RA ONLY). I’m R1 hero so getting picked up on an HA pug is (practically speaking) more difficult than getting a guy pregnant. So I occasionally look for recruiting guilds in an attempt to get a deer (or better). But I rarely find HA recruiting low ranked players and when I do, they fall apart within weeks (which is how I got to and why I’m still only R1). Or for that matter I rarely find ANY in-game PvP recruiting (for something other than JQ/FA guilds) when hanging around any/all PvP outposts. As an aside, I find it's pretty lonely hanging around codex...
Anyway, I just checked the GWGURU Guild recruit forum (again) and of the current 38 guild recruit posts only 3 are for PvP and those are specifically GvG (and each wants GvG experience). 33% of the guild recruiting posts are PvX (with specific reference to JQ/FA for the alliance faction). All the rest are PvE …
So if there’s a PvP focused guild (HA preferred or even GvG) out there that’s looking for a UAS “experienced player” (1 GWAMM & 5 others more than ½ GWAMM) that’s on GW 15-20 hrs per week in the Pacific Time Zone, Give me a PM.
IGN: Doom Fodder