Looking for guild that is social, fun and mature
Hey all,
I am looking for a guild which is social (ie do stuff together and maintains a healthy chat) which is active in all parts of the game, whether they be PvE or PvP. Does not have to be best in any of these areas, but I am looking to experience all aspects.
I have had the game for a long time, and have had my periods of activity (finished most of the prophecies story line and factions as well with an old account). However, i find that the reason why I have not been able to stick around is that I was not part of a guild, eventually growing tired and losing interest, only to come back a few months later for a little bit. I have not played in a while, but have acquired the nightfall chapter as well as the eye of the north expansion so I have restarted the game. I am a team player, and I am looking for a guild that don't mind new people. I hope to find one that groups up at all points in the storylines..what I mean is I do not want to have to solo all of prophecies or the other chapters before I can start to join up with the guild members.
Looking forward to hearing from any guild leader/officers.