Looking for a PvP guild to guest for
First: Dear moderators. While I'm not looking to become a member of sought for guild, I am looking for a guild so this should technically be in the right forum. Please don't ban me for sneezing again ..
Hello everyone. I'm Lord Mip, or Kyra the Archsage ingame. I recently sparked my interest for PvP and I would very much like to learn GvG, since I've played it occasionally and I found it quite fun to do. While I'm very happy with my current guild, I was wondering if there were maybe guilds who were coping with lack of players and who wouldn't mind letting a newbie fill the spot if it's open by using the guest option.. I'm open to all roles in PvP. I did monk mostly in RA where I practised my weapon swapping and positioning a bit, but RA is of course very different from GvG. I did HA once but it wasn't a great succes, and I've infused in GvG a couple of times. That's pretty much all the experience I have at the moment. But I hope it helps Smile
I got a pretty busy schedule at the moment, but I should be on a couple of evenings each week, and often during the afternoons as well, especially in weekends. I live in the Netherlands so I'm in the GMT +1 timezone. I have ventrilo and a mic and I'm fluent in English.
So if anybody is willing to teach me the ropes and let me guest occasionally in your guild to act as a sort of filler, I'd really like to hear from you.
Lord Mip