Looking for End Game PvE and moderate PvP Guild
I've been playing Guild Wars off and on again since it's release, I've never been in many guilds, and mainly just played with friends who also owned the game. But i'm looking to change that.
I've beaten all the campaigns and have done my fair share of AB/JQ/FA/RA etc. But i want to get more into Elite Missions, dungeons and higher end pvp.
I'm looking for a good guild that does a little bit of everything. Just laid back people who will do the occasional GvG or UW run on the weekends. I guess a good term would be "casual bamfs", in it to have fun but who know what their doing. I'm also looking to make some in game friends, and move into GW2 with them.
I'm mountain time zone (gmt-7)
Give me a shout I'm Captain Sanders in game.