or PvX LF mature and active Europe/UK based guild
I'm old player coming back to gw, I started palying around 5 years ago. I own all campaigns but I'm abit out of date when it comes to builds ect.
I used to be a decent player I guess, was able to run every dungeon. Used to do every area in UWSC and FoWSC.. but that was last year. Also beat everything possible in HM duoing with a very good friend, using heroes.
I'm trying to prepare for gw2, so I'd like to max out the rest of my titles.. my kurzick rank is already 12 so it be great to get into a luxon guild, but not I'm also fine with a kurzick guild if the chemistry is just perfect :P
I'd like a mature guild, with some nice helpful people.. I'm also willing to help out alot. Oh and I'm 23 years old, very calm with tons of patience so I'm the last to yell at people if they mess something up..
my ign: I Lost My Mind
I'm not online as much lately, as I'm pretty bored alone in the game, so you might aswell just send me a pm here on the forums