LFGuild that is planning for GW2 - Kurz
I have about four years experience in PVE and about two in PVP. I am confident in the game (40 points in HoM) but not someone that is going to spend all my free time there. I enjoy playing in a group - that's why I like GW.
I am looking for:
- A guild with mostly professional aged people (the more professional the better - referring to job, not GW)
- A guild that is planning for the move to GW2
- A guild that does both PVE and PVP
For the moment I own my own guild but it's boring by myself. I want to move into a guild that I can hook up with people in the evenings once in a while for ZM, ZB, AB, etc. I'm quite willing to just drop my guild hall to join a stronger guild.