Looking for PvP guild That doesn't enforce FF
I would like to join a Guild (Whatever faction) that does PvP/AB a lot, but doesn't enforce Faction farming. Wow... you get to own a town. I'd rather have fun and make friends, instead of feeling like if I don't get a certain amount of faction I'll get "Fired" from the guild.
I don't really like PvE, I do have 1000k but I'm not really good at all at PvE, or know much of anything about farming builds.
But I'm a beast at PVP, with my own builds that aren't Copy Paste from other players. I've never seen anyone using my builds, I usually get a lot of critisism ingame for using unusual builds, and then make them shaddap by destroying people.
I haven't played in a while, maybe 6-9 months, but all my builds are still active and I remember how to tactically play. I'm literally installing right now.
I don't remember my ingame names, so if you wanna be friends and just PvP a lot and own kids (lol) put your ingame name here and I'll hit you up once I install