Experienced PvP LF Guest Invites for GvG/HA
UAX, I mostly did GvG up until I started college 4 years ago. Just getting back into the game now that I'm graduating. Was a member of BBQ, founding member of Fish (gogo Eurofarming), was raged at by Nature's on many on occasion. Still a die-hard fanboi of Eve, Digi, and Soul Wedding.
I haven't played GvG much recently (I'm a member of LOL, and apparently we haven't GvGed in years and aren't going to). I play flagger (cripshot, anything else), sins (I miss sin split and AoD so badly), and all sorts of utility/support. I can monk if you have a death wish.
I'm down for HA too, but only r5, so w/e.
Have vent, TS, mic, all that jazz.
IGN: Dread Pirate Inigo