Looking for High End Guild
Well, as fall gets closer and I find myself playing Guild Wars again, I have come to the realization that I am going to need to join a good guild.
I am a veteran player who has played the game on and off since 2007. I have many level 20 toons, my main is an Ele.
What I'm looking for is a guild that does alot of the end game stuff. FoW, UW, DoA ect. I have experience in all elite areas. I run an Imba in DoA, MoP in FoWSC. I can also run 100B and DWG as needed. I woluld like to learn to run EMo in UW but need some training on that one.
What I am not looking for is a second job ( I have been down that road before) I play 2-3 nights a week for 2-3hours a night. US central time zone in the evevings.
Let me know if anyone is interested
IGN: Sicer Silverglade