Looking For Guild
I am a 40 year old almost brand new GW1 player. Rare breed indeed!
Played a year ago briefly, got a character to mid level 18 (a Monk) and dabbled in a couple of others before taking a work related break. Now playing a Mesmer.
Long story short, looking for a guild that is willing to embrace a brand new player (because I forgot much of what I picked up a year ago). Really looking for the social aspect, and I get along best with adult players, but I'm down with hanging out with anyone who is mature.
I play EST evenings a couple of days a week. I have no delusions of making any major headway between now and GW2 release, but I do plan on getting it on release day so I decided to kick start my account.
Anyway, IGN is Pyat Pree Qartheen (I am a GoT junkie).