Nov 26, 2012, 12:44 AM // 00:44
Pre-Searing Cadet
Join Date: Nov 2012
Profession: W/N
Looking to play with others
I've recently come back to Guild Wars and I would really like to find a guild to play along with the game seems to be rather dead now so finding people to quest with and talk to seems to be fairly hard.
My Exp with GW:
I first started playing GW about 4 years ago, I reached level 16 on my W/N However I never finished the any of the storys (I was doing Nightfall) first. So with that I have no end game Experience but i would very much like to participate and learn about all the end games stuffs.
I plan to stick at GW1 now and see it all through to the end, I do shift work so i can be fairly active the majority of the time, I do occasionally jump onto gw2 but so far it doesn't seem to have what GW1 had for me.. Well except it seems to have a lot of players.
I'm currently in a guild which i joined the other day after meeting some one in game but it only appears to be him and i active with in the guild atm and he is 4hrs ahead of me.. I'm in England he lives in Dubai, he's a nice player but the TZ diff could be difficult So I'm looking for an active guild (+5 active members) with people preferably EU TZ or NA (West coast, as I'm usually up quite late).
So if your interested in a semi noob, chatty person, willing to participate in guild events and +1 to your active guild members post a reply to this thread