Looking for active Guild
Hello all,
Im a returning player to GW, I have spent the last 2 years playing Eveonline and its finally become boring for me. I want to get back into Guild Wars. I tried out GW2, I dont know if others feel the same but thanks alot. Ruined the GW atmosphere for me, just another WoW spin off.
Anyway im not here to rant and rave about how rubbish GW2 is, im here looking for a guild in the EU timezone, I am London England timezone so GMT+1 atm. I play most evenings.
What im looking for is, UW, FOW, DoA clearing, I dont know the builds or have tried any out so practise would be needed from my end. I have multiple chars. Honestly I just want to be able to hop on GW and just chill with some cool people. If we do a Fast clear run i want it to be enjoyable not a grind. If someone messes up WHO CARES. aslong as they can take a good ribbing.
If someone wipes the team because of a bad pull WHO Cares but expect to have the mickey taken out of them
anyway hit me up