Apr 16, 2008, 11:52 PM // 23:52
Krytan Explorer
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: The Ice Wastes in the Underworld.
Guild: The Renegades Of Ascalon
Profession: E/
The OFFICAL THREAD:Ascalon Royal Family Masquerade Ball 08 Returns!,Community event
Before i begin this thread i would like to point out that Lord Sojar/countess corvina/rahja the thief how ever you know him by has said that i am to be holding this event in his stead,for reasons he will be unable to organize this monumental event this year. I expect him to post on this thread in a few hours to confirm what i have just said.
Well everyone, I don't think that the Ascalon Royal Family Masquerade Ball 2008 is going to happen. Why? Well, I don't have much money in game, and the community isn't exactly in a giving state of mind right now, especially with the GW economy the way it current is (Hyper-deflated). Party items are now worth tons of money, and sweets and alcohols are as popular for their respective titles as ever.
Lets prove him wrong eh?
The Royal Family Masquerade Ball 08
-scriptures found in serenity temple
The Ascalon Royal Family Masquerade Ball is a long forgotten formal event, engraved into history years before the searing. The Ascalon Royal Family led by King Adelbern was once a prosperous kingdom, and the ball was the yearly celebration to celebrate the wealthy and beauty that was Ascalon. But alas, The Searing as it has come to be known shattered the hearts of men in the kingdom of Ascalon. The ball for the past 4 years has been forgotten. Deux Du Machina, in his travels, stumbled upon an old text depicting a dance festival of epic proportions in the kingdom of Ascalon of old. Intrigued, he did further research. After painstaking tasks, Deux begged the wealthiest of the lords of Ascalon and surrounding kingdom of Kryta to donate what they saw fit to bring back this beautiful festival. The time of the Ascalon Royal Family Masquerade Ball has returned, and the hearts of men shall once again be warm and lively! Let the festivities commence!
This Event is hosted by the envoy of Dwayna no less, Daniel Frozenwind,
- King of the Snowmen
- Lord of Ice
- "Blue Frog"
- Wizard of Blizzard
- and chief of Elfs.
(over dramatic title you have there daniel )
The theme of this years Ascalon Royal Family Masquerade Ball is.. Humility
I have chosen humility for the simple reasoning that,a person with little can often make more of a diffrence, and if more and more little pieces are added up, you have something.Something meaningful,something humble,fragments of the community brought together to be made whole.The Ascalon Royal Family masquerade Ball,Represents this,it showed me that last year. And it is with great honour that i,Daniel Frozenwind,will share with the people of Tyria,Cantha and Elona a sense of well being!( and a great event )
A word from me-
I have spent the good part of 3 years on Guildwars,i have seen much, accomplished great deeds and met many dear friends from all over the world,Once at wintersday i found my love of player run event's,this was only heightened when i first came to this event.I am most thankful to lord sojar for letting me do this for him, This is a gigantic task, and i really will need all your help
A note on a special project
Leo is working VERY hard on a special A.R.F.M.B text-mod.i have personally been given the oppertunity to test it and can i say,it looks awesome:Special load screen,blue flame for my character (torches),seating laminate,flags and banners,plus green foilage.For optimum event pleasure download this when it becomes available
Times,Details and schedule
For Time clarfication for your particular area, try these!
The 10TH OF MAY. There you finally have it
The event Schedule is as follows: All times listed in GMT Below:
-19.00/7pm-Opening Ceremony with speech welcoming guests, introducing the staff, speech discussing theme.
-19.30/7.30-Dancing and drink/food sales will begin. Rock-Paper-Scissors gambling tables will open. Recommended you turn off emotes unless you are playing.
-19.45/7.45-Gift givers are unleashed.Conga line's
-20.00/8.00-Frozenwind say's and riddles!
-20.15/8.15-Rahja's family-Costume contest,and The couples Ball.100k to be won over four runners up, 3rd, 2nd and 1st - 2 - 50k packets
-21.00/9.00-Roller beetle race's,second wave of gift givers released.
-21.15/9.15-Roller beetle championships,Destroyer Challenge winners
-21.30/9.30-Roller beetle awards.Mass sync formation's,LIGHT EM UP!(mass sparkler sync in the district)
-22.00/10.00-third wave of gift giving.,Quiz's
-22.15/10.15-HAPPY hour,cheap ale for everyone!
-22.30/10.30-Lap of honour for each:Ascalon,Snowmen,community and rahja.
-22.4510.45-Thankyou speech,to donators,staff and you.Spare ale,food and
fireworks,given away if any are left.
-23.00/11.00-Grawl caretakers sweep up,Seeyou at Wintersday!
- After Party -
This schedule is still subject to change's,adjustments and removals.
Special Activities
listed here are activities that require player sign up,
The Destroyer Challenge (All Destroyer weapons, donated by The Third Elder
Basically this is a lottery, it is 500g per entry, funds go towards,fireworks,ale and candy for the event,pick a number from 1 to 60 and get me to put your name here, Players who have the selected numbers, or closest win a Destroyer weapon, there is a full set to be given away,Also runners upget 10 destroyer cores.Players may not choose a number sombody else already has.for example:
>>>>>Your number is only valid once the transaction is done.<<<<<<
The odds of winning are 1 IN 6 -10runners up
1.)Frozenwind 11.) 21.)Fluffy Bunny Ninja
2.)Silent Arrow Lex 12.)Luke Connolly 22.)Fril Estelin
3.) 13.)cyb3r 23.)Licinia vitoricus4.)Miss Mima 14.)Generel DS 24.)Ranger In Leaves
5.)Slinkey of Doom 15.)Operative 14 25.)Ourelie Linkon
6.)stephen john 16.)S S Reaper 26.)Frozen Newborn
7.)Arianne Enacthiel 17.)RedStar 27.)Aussie Boy
8.)Icy Penguin 18.)Flame from sky 28.)Stevie The Crusher9.)Grandmaster Hex 19.) 29.)Danika Del Ray
10.)Rushin roulette 20.)Brent umris 30.)Fury Incarnate
Non-Donator numbers -5 runners up-Exactly the same:
(at Set-donators request,so everyone can have a go!)
31.)Sir Loin Of Lamb 41.)51.)
32.)Helliwolf the great 42.)Kill U From Afar52.)
33.)Alkar Deathclaw43.)53.)
34.)44.)Friday Is A Ele54.)Silara Jorinset
35.)My Little Black Dog 45.)Fire walka55.)
36.)Beware Of Balthazar46.)Brentacon Hex 56.)
38.)Fire The Buyer 48.)58.)
39.)49.)59.)Alkar Deathclaw
40.)50.)60.)Drunkk And Disorderly
Number 50-Please pm here or in-game, your name has been lost, i know roughly what the name is, but need correct spelling.)
Please pay BEFORE the event,the winners will be drawn at the ball,you are not required to be at the ball to win.
All Creatures great and small. - From a small acorn, great oaks grow.
District - 1
It is my wish,as is the theme of this event to hold the small things in the highest regard, Melandru is the embodement of this, Caring for all of nature be it the highest mountain in the Shiverpeaks,to the smallest rabbit in Ascalon.Thus in honour of such a facet, i bring you the chance to cherish a creature of humilty, a mini-pet.
Roughly around 20-30 minipet's will be given for answering ,The Melandru tree.Be warned This ancient tree is the sole living one of its kind in ascalon and speaks in the old toungue, answer its riddles and be gifted in kind.
Design a poster for Ball!
Below you will find a link that will take you to a special thread to create a poster for this thread and the gw wiki, the grand prize is 15k.
Gamble Tables - DISTRICT 1 2 3
-Find a gamble table{xunlia storage}
-Gather around dealer
-when prompted pay 50g
-round begins
-winners are the ones who beat dealer - prize - 100g/ festival gift
ClownZ- District 2
Paint Ball Bows at 50 paces!
The worst dressed person at the ball wins 5k!
The Couple's Ball - District 2
Bring a friend, a loved one, or someone you have just met!, this unique contest will show who has two left feet, or star of the ball!,to enter this you will need a partner of the opposite gender,or same gender(in-game)The prize will go to the:- Best dressed couple(need to have good unity)
- Best dance routine
- Themed
Costume Judge's will be running this.
1st - 15K, Ecto each
2nd - 10k, Ecto each
3rd - 5k , Ecto each
Costume competition - District 2
Points to consider :- Theme
- style
- in context to the event
Prizes are as follows
x4 runners up - 2.5k each + black dye
3rd place - 20k + x2 black dye
2nd place - 30k + x2 black dye
1st place - 40k + 2 black dye
Roller Beetle Race - District 3
This special race will consist of beetle formed party go'ers,beetle tonic donations are a must!,[number of racers] start, last finisher in each heat is removed with a treat,finalists start championships,losers win bigger treats,1st place wins the bison cup,fireworks,and 15k
i can offer 10 places with available tonics.
Team TDK [Guild beetle]
Beetle Tag[Black Ice] - Pilot [Cheese Stalker]
Team Ascalon [Team 1]
Beetle Tag [] - Pilot[]
Beetle Tag [] - Pilot[]
Beetle Tag [] - Pilot[]
Team Rahja [Team 2]
Beetle Tag [Jim] - Pilot[Rahja The Thief]
Beetle Tag [] - Pilot[]
Beetle Tag [] - Pilot[]
Team Roller-Ball(RB) [Team 3]
Beetle Tag [] - Pilot[]
Beetle Tag [] - Pilot[]
Beetle Tag [] - Pilot[]
Mini-schedule for roller's
3 min warm up's , get the feel of the track.
Heat 1.
Heat 2.
Heat 3.
Race against TDK.
- -Disqualified
- -lost
- -Next heat winner
- -Winner of race
PRIZES FOR RACERS- a grail of might for every racer
- cash
- suger
- trophys
- fireworks
At the event the district that the races will be held in,will have "suporter stands" , this means you will view the race in a marked "stand" for the team that you support.
10 prizes will be given randomly to the winners stand.No stand hopping during event is allowed,Our commentators will be watching you
I foolishly agreed to do this event thinking i could manage by myself, how wrong i was....
Please be aware that not everybody in guildwars is as nice as you!, so to be perfectly blunt you will ether need to:
1.) be a donator of over 20k worth of cash,weps,tomes ect. (this is 10k less req then last year!)
2.) have a valid reference
To send a reference, simply have someone who trusts you send an official reference on your behalf via Forum Private Message.
The Subject line MUST read as follows: Reference for (Your name here) for the position of (position being applied for). The referrer can then type whatever they feel in the body of the email/PM. Please be honest with references. It would be a VERY BAD PUBLIC IMAGE to scam during this event.
Until i know a donations amount i cannot offer payment numbers at the given time.
Riddle master-Status: - 1/1-FULL
-Daniel Frozenwind
Ball Announcer-Status: -1/1-FULL
Quiz Master - Status: 1/1 -FULL
- Daniel Frozenwind.
Offical Royal Bard and Scribe - Status : 1/1 FULL
-Flame From Sky [Scroll Giver,Tome distribution & poet]
Event Storage & Secretary: Status-1/1-FULL
-Twig Barrenetz -he doesnt talk,he doesnt smile,he just holds the damn stuff.
(pm him if Frozenwind is not on to donate, leave: name and whats donated. He will PRINT SCREEN, Double confirmation system.)
Event photographer:Status-1/1 FULL
Event film recorder -Status-1/1 FULL
I Speeder I(2,000)
(Stouda Cz-Trailer making)
Gamble tables - rock paper scissors , groups of 3, 1 dealer.-status:-2/3
District 1
-Extosion Hydro
District 2
- Fury incarnate
District 3
- Filled
Costume contest judges -status:4/4 FULL
District 2
-Generel Ds(2,000)
-Danika Del Ray(2,000)
-The Third Elder (2,000)
District 1
-Rushin roulette(2,000)
-Avalon the moleman(2,000)
District 2
-Miss Mima(2,000)
-Luke Connolly(2,000)
- Flame From SKy
Prize Giver's Status: 5/5-FULL
District 1
-Serafita kayin(2,000)
-Fury Incarnate(2,000)
Distirct 2
-Slinky of Doom(2,000)
-Mad Queen Malafide(2,000)
-Monk Of Kindness(2,000)
Runner's (From Frontier gate to Serenity Temple) Status - OPEN
Runners are doing this service free of charge, feel free to tip them/send a reference to me on there help,they will get cash from me.
-Miss Mima(prior to event start)
-Finnigan The Monger
-Stevie The Crusher
-Fury Incarnate
-Gafgarion Deneith
-That Guy
-Broken Arm Boy
Runner's will available 1 week prior to event start to shuttle you from frontier gate to the Serenity Temple,contact them in-game for them to take you.
DRINKS AND SWEETS : A small fee will be charged for food and drink.
Drinks: Alcoholic beverages will come at a cost of 25 gold pieces per customer, limit 5 per customer for the duration of the ball. Please, please, PLEASE! Do NOT switch users and accounts just to get more ale, this is a mutual respect issue. If we have ale thieves taking more then their share, other guests may not be able to purchase. At the END of the ceremony, alcohol will be sold for 50g each until they are gone. All proceeds will go towards a charity fund. Limit as end of ceremony is 20 per customer unless otherwise stated after closing ceremonies.
Food: Sugary delights will be 35 gold pieces per unit, limit 3 per customer for the duration of the ball. Please abide by the above policy and requests as this is only fair, again, to the rest of the guests! Thanks!
Party Items:assorted goodies will be randomly distributed and may NOT be requested. At the END of the closing ceremony, these items may be purchased in packs of 4 for 100 gold pieces or for 30 gold pieces per unit, limit 8 per customer. Again, all proceeds will go to a charitable fund.
(These are set in place so we can have fun and things go very smoothly.) Because I do not have GM powers or anything of the sort, I cannot directly inforce these, so it is my hopes we will have a mutual respect and act civil. The less drama, the more fun!
If Daniel Frozenwind asks for the district to cease all public chat, it is for an announcement. It will be in your best interest to cease typing in public so that he can have "the floor."
Respect each other, don't be mean to those less fortunate then yourself. Making fun of someone for being excited about a green you may find worthless isn't the right thing to do. Treat others with kindness and humility.
Do not spam emotes or text. It clutters public chat, and makes it so hard for proper communication if necessary. This goes back to mutual respect.
They will be a wiki page up shortly about this up-coming event,HERE IT IS:http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Ascal...uerade_Ball_08
~~guild site~~
Go to community events on the gw wiki ,You will find details on last years Ascalon Ball.
I dislike scammers with a passion, if you need confirmation on my good intentions you will find references of my work on the mursaat rally page and King Frosts Wintersday & Elf fest07,Both on wiki.
Donators LIST: CASH POT 900K!!!
All donators on this list may have a free slot in the Destroyer Challange
-Aussie Boy -100k
-Keli the Glorius - numerous ale's and some very nice golds!/tome
-Freya Dragon - a good number of gold's and greens
-Count Operoe- 150 Fire works 50k and 50 ales.
-The Dread Lord Pie - a few gold ,ales and greens
-Slinkey Of Doom - 1,000 Apple ciders, a good number of unded mini's,Awesome Greens,numerous tome's ,about 150 confectionary pieces and some nice golds..oh and 100k
-Generel Ds - Many req 9 gold's.
-RedStar -Many Tomes,and stuff
-Fluffy Ninja Bunny - Insane amount of weapons ,20k
-Ranger eminem - lots of nice stuff,weps,tomes ect,10k
-Angleus The Crafty - some nice gold weapons, and a nice number of firworks
-Stouda Cz- Donated some tomes, rest pending due to room organizing
-Method Chick - donated some fireworks and tomes, Rest pending due to Room organizing
-Cyb3r - 20k,tomes and some weapons
- F*** ****** - 30k
-Alkar Deathclaw - dyes,weapons.
-Celo A - Loads of gold weapons
-Miss Mima- 10K,mini's,consumables and other nice things!
-Arianne Enacthiel-,Gemset,promo weapons,10k,50 destroyer cores,weapons and fire works!
-Luke Connolly- 20k,and many party treats,consumables and dye.
-Grandmaster Hex - 40k, greens & gold plus many dyes
-Stevie The Crusher - 8k, some mini pets, tomes and a weapon
-RedStar -10k
-Escoffier- numerous gold's and green's.20k
-Medic-plenty of gold's and green's 250 egg's 250 candy canes
-Stephen John-15k, tomes,weapons and materials.
-Licinia vitoricus - 75k, fireworks
-Friday Is A Ele - 30k, greens and golds.
-Fury Incarnate - 80k , many nice golds, many minipets,great greens,lots of ale and a stack of fireworks!
-Yannick Of Avo - 10k
-Beware Of Balthazar - 15k
-The Third Elder - Full Destroyer set of weapons
- I Dont Wanna Heal You - 20K,some minipets, assorted candy treats
-Q Amen Q - 20K, Greens, golds and some minipets, oh and mods/ many tomes.
- Frozen Newborn - 20k, various nice things, cons,golds,greens,ect
- Temperance Storm - 10k
-Prepare To Burn - ales and sweets
- Immaculata Regina - 25k
- Kabal Of The Righteous -GUILD- - 40k , elite tomes, golds, plenty of food.
- Monk Of Kindness - 20 ecto's mats for a destroyer wep, 100k and 100 golds
-[nDoW] - GUILD - - Many,many greens!
-Helliwolf the great - 50k
Please help 
Psst....hey...you..,yeh you!
Did you know at every large event i hold, i give away a limited set of Frozenwind helms? there is currently 30 in-game
20-King Frost's Wintersday.
5-Elf Fest.
5-Mursaat Rally 08
10-Ascalon Royal Family Masuerade Ball 08
If you get one be sure to keep it!, you can trade it in for something very "unique" shall we say, at wintersday
Last edited by BladeWind; May 10, 2008 at 03:33 PM // 15:33..
Apr 17, 2008, 12:05 AM // 00:05
Jungle Guide
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: America.....got a problem with that?
Guild: [Lite]
Profession: W/
This was so awesome last year!!!!
I'm gonna have to crack open my old booze closet and.......o wait, sold it.
I would love to help out with this event!
Apr 17, 2008, 12:08 AM // 00:08
Ty 4 information.
Apr 17, 2008, 12:09 AM // 00:09
Site Legend
I can donate some random golds. Prob got a few dyes etc laying around.
Old Skool '05
Apr 17, 2008, 12:14 AM // 00:14
Frost Gate Guardian
I can donate
Apr 17, 2008, 12:44 AM // 00:44
Legendary Korean
Join Date: Aug 2006
Guild: The Benecia Renovatio [RenO]
Profession: W/
i loled
Apr 17, 2008, 12:50 AM // 00:50
Academy Page
Join Date: Dec 2007
Guild: The Five Ds of Dodge [Ball]
Profession: Mo/
I have a lot of golds sitting around stock-piled for our guilds give-away which i dont think is gonna happen soon
But I'd love to help out
When is it planned to be? sorry if its there and i missed it heh
Apr 17, 2008, 01:31 AM // 01:31
Lion's Arch Merchant
Join Date: Oct 2007
Guild: Webel Wising [wawr]
I'd also love to donate some unused golds. Talk to you in-game?
Apr 17, 2008, 02:18 AM // 02:18
Join Date: Mar 2008
Guild: Demons Of Nightmare
Profession: W/Me
I will donate some golds i get from chest runs.
Talk to you about it in game
Only Light Left
Apr 17, 2008, 02:22 AM // 02:22
Wilds Pathfinder
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: _____________________ (\__/) (\__/) (\__/)Help (='.'=)(='.'=)(='.'=)Bunny (")_(")(")_(")(")_(")
Guild: [Bomb]
Profession: E/
I think I have a few weapons (green and gold) laying around.
I'll pm you when I have gathered the weapons ^^ (don't know one which char they are lol).
Apr 17, 2008, 03:36 AM // 03:36
Jungle Guide
Join Date: Jan 2007
Profession: R/Mo
ill pm you ihave mind clouders and other greens tons lol and i could chest farm for about 10 hours a week and gather golds , i do have about 6k min worth of beers though been saving those for a title i might can give alittle
Apr 17, 2008, 04:21 AM // 04:21
Lion's Arch Merchant
Join Date: Jan 2008
Guild: Divine Order of Heroes (DOoH)
Profession: N/
A community event seems wonderful. 
Good luck getting things together guys!
Apr 17, 2008, 04:26 AM // 04:26
The Fallen One
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Oblivion
Guild: Irrelevant
Profession: Mo/Me
By the way guys, Daniel is indeed taking over the event for me this year due to my health and my mother's ailing health. He has my full endorsement and trust, and you should all donate whatever you can to this great event. I will be sending some alcohol his way ASAP. He needs good, trustworthy staffing. I hope you guys as the guru community can pull together and make this event even better then the 07' ball.
Best wishes Daniel, and best of luck. I hope to see you all at the Ball having a great time just like last year!
Apr 17, 2008, 04:37 AM // 04:37
Exclusive Reclusive
Join Date: May 2005
Location: Tuscaloosa, AL
Guild: Seraph's Pinion (wing)
Profession: R/Me
I should have some stuff, but if nothing else, I'm sure someone here will vouch for me-I'm former GWG staff so I ought to have some decent rep...
Apr 17, 2008, 04:43 AM // 04:43
The Fallen One
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Oblivion
Guild: Irrelevant
Profession: Mo/Me
Originally Posted by Serafita Kayin
I should have some stuff, but if nothing else, I'm sure someone here will vouch for me-I'm former GWG staff so I ought to have some decent rep...
I vouch for you Kayin.
Apr 17, 2008, 04:49 AM // 04:49
Frost Gate Guardian
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: CA
Guild: [DNR]
Profession: Mo/
I have multiple storage characters overflowing with golds and greens I am to lazy to try and sell, this seems like a worthy cause so I would be more then happy to donate them. Like most players I am chronically short on cash but your welcome to my stuff
BTW could you possible list the IGN's of the ppl who will be collecting donations for this event, I got 3 random pm's offering to pick up donations since I posted this. Just want to make sure I am giving stuff to the right ppl, not a random scammer.
Last edited by Medic; Apr 17, 2008 at 04:56 AM // 04:56..
Apr 17, 2008, 05:12 AM // 05:12
Forge Runner
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Arizona, USA
Guild: [OOP] Order of the Phoenix I
Sign me up for some donations!
Also, if you want, I could make an official poster for the event as well. The event is being held in Serenity Temple again I presume?
Apr 17, 2008, 05:18 AM // 05:18
Exclusive Reclusive
Join Date: May 2005
Location: Tuscaloosa, AL
Guild: Seraph's Pinion (wing)
Profession: R/Me
I figured you would, bro. I'm enjoying the game again after a break in the real world, and this is just what the doctor ordered...
LMK what you'd like me to do. I'm here to help, and I'll still look and see what I have I can donate anyway. Too much fun not too.
Probably will bring the entire guild-all three of us!
Apr 17, 2008, 05:19 AM // 05:19
Krytan Explorer
Join Date: Jul 2006
Profession: P/W
I'll help too, can't offer much in the way of money, but I'm happy to volunteer =)
Apr 17, 2008, 05:25 AM // 05:25
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Australia
Profession: W/
I guess I can donate another 100k this year like I did before just have to get it all on one char LOL
Good luck with this it's always great when the community gets together for an event.
I might even apply for catering job if I have the time and find a reference.
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