Oct 10, 2010, 08:26 PM // 20:26
Pre-Searing Cadet
Guild Wars FM

Guildwars FM is a brand new online radio station, build and hosted by guildwars players.
Guildwars FM is a work-in-progress project the idea started 1 week ago between two guildwars players, the project is growing fast and this week we are already doing test runs.
The Idea:
The idea is to have 24 hours live dj's playing music, talking, hosting contests, Giving away free stuff and more.
Every DJ is free to play all the music he wants to, we will get alot of different music all day so it will never get boring!
The DJ's wont only broadcast music the whole time they will also talk, read news etc.
Every DJ is completely free to make his show how he wants it to be: Want a calm radio station? Go ahead want an over-the-top show? Go ahead.
Every DJ will have a few hours to broadcast on the day he wants to, we will have a complete schedule if you can't broadcast ask a dj if he wants to take your place.
For now:
We are going to run test runs (24/7 Jukebox of 10 songs) and sometimes we will broadcast ourself to test the software. The radio wont be public yet and we will post updates in this topic.
In the near future:
We will recruit DJ's before we go public, make our website and stream radio most of the day with live DJ's the other parts with the Jukebox.
In the future:
Streaming live 24/7 with DJ's have special shows (talk radio?) and christmas/hallowheen/summer specials etc. Maybe even live remixing!
The server:
Our radio is hosted at strato.com a hosting service in germany, we have a dedicated pc rented with the following specs:
AMD Quadcore x4 3,0GHZ
6GB ram
This should be good enough to host a radio.
So tell us what you think of this idea and maybe suggestions etc. Keep checking back to this topic for info and updates, we aren't recruiting DJ's now but soon we will!