Mar 23, 2007, 07:19 AM // 07:19
Grotto Attendant
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Originally Posted by Alex the Great
you got it all wrong........
go to this site
it has pictures and quotes from the races
norns- half-giants with ability to transform to bear things
sylvari-sylva=tree in latin, they are forest spirits that are naive and inocent
Asura- spart, condesending little things that want to rule the bigger races, extreamly smart and technicly minded.
Yeah, that link will be taken down eventually, but boy does it lighten things up for me! Thanks!
Also, I think the Norns are what Beetletun's outpost description is talking about:
Historians speculate that in time out of mind, these now-ruined watchtowers guarded Kryta from some unknown northern threat. Now the crumbled towers stand like ancient stone soldiers still awaiting the arrival of that mysterious enemy from across the great saltwater lake called Giant's Basin.
It says the Norns are simply "from the north", and that they are "half-giants". The saltwater lake "Giant's Basin" is north of Beetletun/Kryta, I'm betting the half-giants, or Norns, are the mysterious threat.
Mar 23, 2007, 07:33 AM // 07:33
Furnace Stoker
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10k says there is at least 1 skuld
Mar 26, 2007, 04:57 PM // 16:57
Academy Page
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I wouldn't worry about the Norn being dwarf like considering that, if they really are basing it on Norse mythology, the Norn are 1) women, 2) limited in number (only 3 of them), and 3) not exactly a race. Still, this will be cool to see. Maybe the Norn, if they actually turn them into an entire race, will be like mystics or amazons. Still, I hope that they stick to the mythology and make the three sisters a pivotal point in the story instead of an entire race that you get to fight or ally with.
Mar 26, 2007, 05:04 PM // 17:04
Frost Gate Guardian
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Originally Posted by Family Draconis
Maybe the Norn, if they actually turn them into an entire race, will be like mystics or amazons.
They remind me of Valkyries more than Amazons, at least the image that PC Gamer provided leads me to think so.
Last edited by Dfx Gladiator; Mar 26, 2007 at 05:06 PM // 17:06..
Mar 27, 2007, 04:16 AM // 04:16
Wilds Pathfinder
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At first I was disgusted by the cutesy Sylvari, but they're beginning to appeal to the hippy in me. It's not unreasonable to hope that they'll have the ability to plant trees! And maybe the trees will have fruit! It could be like a new version of the Ritualist.
Mar 27, 2007, 08:50 AM // 08:50
Frost Gate Guardian
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Originally Posted by creelie
At first I was disgusted by the cutesy Sylvari, but they're beginning to appeal to the hippy in me. It's not unreasonable to hope that they'll have the ability to plant trees! And maybe the trees will have fruit! It could be like a new version of the Ritualist.
Yeh, I've liked them since the new races were announced, and I think It'll be the first char I make in GW2. They apear to be some sort of ranger/light elementalist/ritualist/monk. And fruit? Hell yeh, we won't even need to go to the kitchen anymore!
Mar 27, 2007, 02:31 PM // 14:31
Wilds Pathfinder
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Well I was thinking more...exploding fruit. You lob it at your enemies.
Mar 27, 2007, 06:27 PM // 18:27
Ascalonian Squire
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some ideas in my head are,
Asura are connected to the Canthan people in some way, due to the ethnic backgroud and other asian influence. The Charr obviously are part of Tyrian lore, The Norn are neat to think about and bring a shapeshifting idea to the game which i like. the idea of sylvari being elven is fair game i suppose but i doubt that Anet would go that far into WoW territory really. My guess is maybe its a Ghost race. the dead ancestors of the World of Guild Wars i.e. tyrian, canthan and Elonian. from the dundgens of the Underworld, where we all see different ghosts. may be it would tie into Gwen, as to her where abouts and who or what she has been staying with, alive or not. GW did say they would depict these races in GW:EN so its up in the air really :P
just my thoughts, dont hate 
EDIT: After reading about the Sylvari on G-wiki i now change my idea, that they are not spirits of UW but maybe spirits of maguuma, like the big spirit animals we see. maybe they have spirit minions that look like ranger spirits. maybe they have their own morphing abilities into spirits.
furthermore, after looking at the picture, i have also gained some curiousity over the girly like resymblance to GWEN that these herbalists, if you will, have with gwen's picture. looking back to Tyrian Lore, GWens mom, Sarah was an herbalist i believe and seem to share in the ideals of Sylvaris. maybe gwen traveled there. if she did really follow the adventurer from pre searing ascalon all the way to maguuma, and decided to stay, i would not be suprised. who said we had to see her following us all that way? heh
so there is my edit after reading more :P
Last edited by kduv889; Mar 27, 2007 at 06:42 PM // 18:42..
Mar 27, 2007, 06:56 PM // 18:56
Ascalonian Squire
Join Date: Mar 2006
Guild: Surmian Suicide Squad
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Originally Posted by arcanemacabre
Also, I think the Norns are what Beetletun's outpost description is talking about :
It says the Norns are simply "from the north", and that they are "half-giants". The saltwater lake "Giant's Basin" is north of Beetletun/Kryta, I'm betting the half-giants, or Norns, are the mysterious threat. 
i very much agree with this idea. The name, Giant's Basin, the lake which is north. ok, there are three lakes, but obviously the middle on the the largest aka a giant lake. and the NOrns are half-giants so where did the name "Giants Basin" descend from???? im guessing, back when the watchtowers were used, against the norn threat to kryta, thats when they named it Giants Basin, because the Norn were probably seen as giants by krytans and there for, named after the race, and event.
Mar 28, 2007, 03:22 AM // 03:22
Lion's Arch Merchant
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Originally Posted by Knightsaber Sith
The Norn seem to have a slight Celtic influence.
More than a slight influence I'd say.
The tattooing shown in the Norn pic is undoubtably celtic knotwork, and the ability to shift into bear form is common in Celtic tales of berserkers.
The female in the pic also has her hair tied in a way that was common amongst Celtic/Norse/Scandinavian cultures, and the skirt (looks like a bear pelt to me) hanging on her right hip is edged with what appears to be runes.
The only real difference I can see is that Celtic warriors mostly fought naked, but then again, the game is only rated 'Teen'.
The half-giant suggestion also points towards a Celtic influence, the Celts as a race were quite large people, considerably taller than their Roman enemies.
Mar 28, 2007, 09:02 AM // 09:02
Frost Gate Guardian
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Originally Posted by kduv889
furthermore, after looking at the picture, i have also gained some curiousity over the girly like resymblance to GWEN that these herbalists, if you will, have with gwen's picture. looking back to Tyrian Lore, GWens mom, Sarah was an herbalist i believe and seem to share in the ideals of Sylvaris.
I've always thought gwen was a human!
Mar 30, 2007, 12:57 PM // 12:57
Academy Page
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Norms look cool, I might play one of those ,love the bear shifter thing.....playing as an asura would be funny,if minipets can be transfered into GW2, i'll get asura miniature and i'll have my mini-me
Mar 30, 2007, 01:11 PM // 13:11
Ascalonian Squire
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Originally Posted by creelie
At first I was disgusted by the cutesy Sylvari, but they're beginning to appeal to the hippy in me.
To be honest as I saw a pic about one on GWiki (geez now they took it off ) that elf-like creature reminded me on one of a W.I.T.C.H.-character XD
Mar 30, 2007, 01:33 PM // 13:33
Walking Wiki
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Hmmmm... The Sylvari thing reminds me a LOT of the Dryad race from the Dungeon Siege series. Beings of the wilds, connected to the natural world, and tight-knit with each other... Not to mention making very powerful rangers and nature mages. Any other Dungeoneers here seeing that parallel?
Mar 30, 2007, 01:44 PM // 13:44
Academy Page
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Yea,it does seems thinking tht GW2 will probably have the favoured prof thing for races. Norms will probably favour the warrior prof, Azuras as eles...Humans will always be sort of free for all, kinda thing with better trading skills...Like what Toutatis said, Sylvari will favour rangers/druids. Char....hmm....warriors/fire eles/shaman?
this is getting to sound more like Neverwinter nights now XD....
Mar 30, 2007, 07:15 PM // 19:15
Ascalonian Squire
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too bad they don't add a undead race that looks like the undead of tyria because they look wicked, but if i have too choose out of the new races i would choose charr, if you see the artwork with there armor they just look magnifecent
Apr 02, 2007, 11:28 PM // 23:28
Frost Gate Guardian
I would really like to see how GW2 would balance all the races out. Or else it'll end up to be another MMORPG. I really hope it doesn't become like WoW.
Back to the subject, I have a feeling that Melandru would be the god to be talked about the most in EotN. Norn and Sylvari look like races that worship Melandru.
Apr 03, 2007, 11:10 AM // 11:10
Join Date: Jan 2007
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I was really counting on some kind of elaboration on races already existing.... but no.... no.
I was hoping the Asura might turn out to be like the Ancient Seers that help against the Mursaat...... but no.... They're just little white gremlins instead. ¬_¬
Sure... throw yet more races in.
When do we get our Tengu heroes?
Dwarven heroes?
Heck.... Dredge or Naga heroes? They -are- intelligent races afterall.
Somehow all of this ends up leading instead to a bunch of new and wacky races..... -_-;
Ours is not to reason why.
Apr 03, 2007, 11:31 AM // 11:31
Desert Nomad
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Regarding the Sylvari:
Quote from Ch1 booklet:'Years ago, many tribes of human druids lived among the Maguuma’s lush greenery and wildlife. But it has been a long time since anyone has heard word from them, and many believe that they were eaten by hostile jungle creatures or simply swallowed whole by the man-eating plants now rampant in the jungle.'
Quote from Henge of Denravi:'The Henge of Denravi was once a sacred meeting place for the druids of Maguuma. It fell into disuse after the druids mysteriously disappeared more than a decade ago. The only way to enter the Henge is to be granted access through the Henge Gate, and only those who have already been to Denravi can find their way back.'
Druids description:'Druids are nature spirits and servants of Melandru that can be found in areas of the Maguuma Jungle. They were once beings so deeply connected to nature that they gave up their physical bodies and "transcended" to ethereal spirits at one with nature. They are encountered in several quests and missions.'
Apparently the druids used to be humans before their transformation which happened a decade before the searing. Since they lived in the Maguuma Jungle, it would be weird they never encountered the Sylvari, who might have been responsible for their transformation in some way or the other. I think there is at least a connection between the Druids and the Sylvari.
I hope since apparently GW:EN will be the last real big expansion for GW, that Anet will shed some light on the Mursaat, though I suspect they were puppets of Abaddon as well, wether willing or unwilling. Apparently GW:EN has a setting in North Charr Lands, North of Shiverpeaks and the Maguuma Jungle. I think it was in the Maguuma Jungle where the Mursaat were first encountered, so maybe Anet unravels their mysterious origin. North Charr lands will reveal some information how the Charr really got rallied into fighting the Ascalonians, which is because of the Titans ofcourse. And apparently the Stone Summit is still busy doing mischief, since a big part of GW:EN will be about the Great Destroyer, who the Stone Summit has been trying to summon all the time during Prophesies.
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