Mar 10, 2008, 05:57 AM // 05:57
Frost Gate Guardian
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The Mists
I've been wondering about "The Mists." How a NPC "Razah" is related. Is the Mists even important? Matter in fact, what is the Mists? In FFXII the Mists was the power of creation or something. That you could draw that power for... In FFXII... ridiculously powerful attacks. It says in Wiki "The Mists may be where World PvP will take place in the upcoming GW2." So would you use the Mists for fighting? I believe the Mists is the dead. But where does Envoy in Factions take place? Shiro was a Envoy that controlled the dead. I know that a Envoy is a massager or agent. What does that has to do with the dead? As Evennia says in Ice Caves of Sorrow
"I can't believe Saidra is gone. If the old gods still exist, then hear me now. Saidra should not have died. It wasn't her time. But she gave her life so that the rest of us could live on. Now I put you on warning, you gods who abandoned Tyria so long ago. When my time comes, and I arrive in the Mists, I'd best not find that she's been mistreated. Or as Balthazar as my witness...
Is the Mists connection to the Gods or Hall of Heroes? Is the Mists places. As in Wiki Said,
"Before there were humans or dwarves, before there were even worlds or the stars that light the night sky, there was but one thing in the universe-- the Mists. The mists touch all things. They are what binds the universe together, past present and future. They are the source of all good and evil, and all matter and knowledge. It is said that all forms of life, no matter how simple or complex, can trace their origins back to this one place.
The Mists contain and connect the mortal worlds and The Rift, the worlds of the immortal gods and spirits.
Some immortal beings are apparently able to travel directly through the mist to step over from one world to the other, while mortal beings have to use special portals, such as the one located in The Tomb of Primeval Kings."
Another thing that got my eye is this
The Rift, located in the middle of the Mists, is a place of perfect balance of all things, including time. It is the present abode and dwelling place of the Gods of Tyria. The Rift is also the final resting place of all souls after death according to the theology of most intelligent races in Tyria...
What about the Hall of Heroes that Undead Rurik says. Whats the point of HoH's?
The Hall of Heroes is believed to be located deep within the Mists and to be the place where the universe of Guild Wars was first created. As Turai Ossa describes it: It is the center of all things. There are only three known portals to the Hall Of Heroes, two of which are currently inaccessible.
If the Mist is a place that has the Gods in it, WILL IT BE PLAYABLE?!
Ok, Lets review,- The Mists is the creation of everything. It is not evaporating air.
- The "Gods" control the Mists
- some Gods like "Dhuum, Abaddon and Menzies." mis-used the Mists and... Died? Huh? Maybe they were bannished or something because apparently when you die, you go to the Mists.
- How to become controller of the Mist, who knows? Sense everyone that dies go there.
- The Hall of Heroes is the center of the Mists, where the creation of everything is. Plus one portal to HoH's is closed, why?
- How did the Five Gods got to where they were.
- If Balthizar had a half brother, Menzies, who were the parents?
- The Rift is the resting place of all souls, then why did Rurik say we will meet in the Hall of Heroes? Does that mean your soul isn't rested?
- Does the Sceptor of Orr and Sceptor of Mists control the Mists? If so, the "sister staff" could be involved in GW2 = more trouble
AHHH I'm getting more questions than answers!!! But the question you want to ask is, why do I care? It's because I'm bored with nothing to do 
Learn about the mystery around the story in GUILD WARS 3, dun, dun daaaa
Mar 10, 2008, 06:21 AM // 06:21
Wilds Pathfinder
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The mists are like another dimension. Where the god's live now, I presume it's more of an excuse to get rid of real world restrictions than an actual lore based area. However, we're fighting in the mists for the same reason we fight in the HoH. We want the god's attention to gain their favour. how this will work in GW2 we've yet to find out.
The Rift is the resting place of all souls, then why did Rurik say we will meet in the Hall of Heroes? Does that mean your soul isn't rested?
This is an easy one, the HoH and the rift are like heaven (ok, so the arena where the fighting takes place is the only area where mortals can go), just like you might say "see you in hell" this is the same.
The Hall of Heroes is the center of the Mists, where the creation of everything is. Plus one portal to HoH's is closed, why?
I don't think it's closed, as in you can't get through the portal. Rather I think it's been caved in, or blocked by a Charr castle or something similar. It would take a huge amount of magic to seal a rift portal.
Mar 10, 2008, 07:46 AM // 07:46
Frost Gate Guardian
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The sister staff of the scepter of Orr (staff of the mists) was destroyed in the quest 'The Hallowed Point'. So, I guess it's possible it could still play a role in GW2, but it seems fairly unlikely. It would also seem like a re-run -.-
Oh, and, not everyone that dies goes into the mists.
the Mists are a bit like the christian heaven
The Hall of Heroes is a bit like the Norse valhalla
Then there's the gates and domains in which Abaddon once resided, where all sorts of demons and tortured souls reside. this would be close to hell.
that's just my two cents on the subject. Hope I answered at least one of your questions.
Mar 10, 2008, 08:46 AM // 08:46
Ascalonian Squire
Join Date: Apr 2007
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the Mists are a bit like the christian heaven
Actually is more like the Primal Chaos from greek mythology. The Mist is the universe itself and contains everything.
Then there's the gates and domains in which Abaddon once resided, where all sorts of demons and tortured souls reside. this would be close to hell.
There is no reward in the afterlife, heaven and hell doesn't exist in Guild Wars universe, all humans souls finish in the Underworld. The Realm of Torment is not the place for evil soul. Realm of Torment is the final destiny of those who have been killed, touched, or contaminated by Abaddon and his followers.
Mar 10, 2008, 10:44 AM // 10:44
Forge Runner
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If the Mist is a place that has the Gods in it, WILL IT BE PLAYABLE?!
World Vs World will apparantly take place in The Mists
The "Gods" control the Mists
From everything thats been said nobody controls the Mists. Infact its almost as if the Mists themselves are alive.
some Gods like "Dhuum, Abaddon and Menzies." mis-used the Mists and...
Died? Huh? Maybe they were bannished or something because apparently when you die, you go to the Mists.
Dhuum was overthrown,Abaddon was locked away and Menzies has been out of the picutre trying ot conquer his brothers domain. None of them (Well we cant say this for Menzies because we dont know his full story) were banished for mis-using the Mists.
How to become controller of the Mist, who knows? Sense everyone that dies go there.
Everyone that dies goes to the Rift.
The Hall of Heroes is the center of the Mists, where the creation of everything is. Plus one portal to HoH's is closed, why?
Not sure what you mean by one of the portals being closed. But the Hall of Heroes is not in the center of the Mists. Its in the center of the Rift.
If Balthizar had a half brother, Menzies, who were the parents?
Thats one of the many mysteries about the gods. We can only wait for GW2 to give us more info on them.
The Rift is the resting place of all souls, then why did Rurik say we will meet in the Hall of Heroes? Does that mean your soul isn't rested?
Hall of Heroes and the Underworld are in the Rift which is within the Mists. Therefore it is the final resting place of souls.
Does the Sceptor of Orr and Sceptor of Mists control the Mists? If so, the "sister staff" could be involved in GW2 = more trouble
Nothing controls the Mists. The Staff of the Mists can alter the concrete world and the Scepter of Orr controls forces that are "not of this world"
Mar 12, 2008, 12:38 PM // 12:38
Desert Nomad
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The Mist is the thing that connects everything, all the worlds in the universe. Think of it as the vacuum that is between planets in our universe, but not quite the same.
The Mist, as it connects everything, contains places like Tyria, the Rift, and other worlds (like the world inhabited by the Ancient Seers).
The Rift can be seen as a collection of smaller places, places like the Underworld (Grenth's corner of the Rift), Fissure of Woe (Balthazar's corner of the Rift), Hall of Heroes, (and presumably) Realm of Torment (former Abaddon's corner of the Rift and now his prison), and probably more similar places.
The Scepter of Orr has the power to form bridges between the places seperated by the Mists, thus it had the power to summon Titans from the Foundry of Failed Creations, but only at a place of great power (Mouth of Komalie).
Being like the gods and alike, have the power to travel through the Mists, without a Scepter. Possibly the Seers race and the Mursaat also have this power, since they are of alien origin in Tyria.
Mar 12, 2008, 06:51 PM // 18:51
Forge Runner
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The Mists is basically like space in our world - it is the origin and central home of everything.
The Rift is basically the Gods' slice of The Mists, where the HoH, Realm of Torment, and other things exist.
Oh and Cain, the Door of Komalie is already linked to the Foundry of Failed Creations, and the door was opened simply by destroying the seals set up by the Mursaat. The Scepter of Orr did nothing but let the Lich control the titans - but not specifically have any control over the gateway.
By the way, how did Lord Odran travel through the rift again? Didn't he create the first portal to it?
Mar 13, 2008, 04:27 AM // 04:27
Ascalonian Squire
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Wiki: Before there were humans or dwarves, before there were even worlds or the stars that light the night sky, there was but one thing in the universe—the Mists. The Mists touch all things. They are what binds the universe together, past present, and future. They are the source of all good and evil, of all matter and knowledge. It is said that all forms of life, no matter how simple or complex, can trace their origins back to this one place.
Sub-regions- The Fissure of Woe
- The Rift
- The Underworld
Also located there by lore- Tyria (world)
- Realm of Torment
In Other Words... It's The Universe... Or For Some... God (s)
Mar 17, 2008, 12:53 AM // 00:53
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Originally Posted by Fluffy Butt
In FFXII the Mists was the power of creation or something.
This is not FFXII, you should not relate Guild Wars with other games with specific names.
Originally Posted by Fluffy Butt
The Mists is the creation of everything. It is not evaporating air.
The Mists is overall "the universe" as some will say, so this point is correct. I say it is the Afterlife, in common sense today, would include "heaven" and "hell" and whatever afterlife there is in one's religion.
Originally Posted by Fluffy Butt
The "Gods" control the Mists
Nothing controls the Mists.
Originally Posted by Fluffy Butt
some Gods like "Dhuum, Abaddon and Menzies." mis-used the Mists and... Died? Huh? Maybe they were bannished or something because apparently when you die, you go to the Mists.
Dhuum:Overthrown by Grenth by being unjust in his judgement of the dead.
Abaddon:Imprisoned for revolting against the other gods.
Menzies:Waging war with Balthazar for control of Balthazar's power, no punishment done to him up to GW1.
Overall:Unknown if any "mis-used the Mists," or even if they can.
Originally Posted by Fluffy Butt
How to become controller of the Mist, who knows? Sense everyone that dies go there.
As said, there is no controller of the Mists, but what I think you mean, by your previous statement of "The 'Gods' control the Mists" is how to become a God, Nightfall shows this, you kill a "God" and take it's power*dang you kormir, stole what I deserve*.
Originally Posted by Fluffy Butt
The Hall of Heroes is the center of the Mists, where the creation of everything is. Plus one portal to HoH's is closed, why?
HoH is center of the Rift, the Mists is center of the universe.
Originally Posted by Fluffy Butt
How did the Five Gods got to where they were.
Unknown, I believe there are a few threads speculating on that.
Originally Posted by Fluffy Butt
If Balthizar had a half brother, Menzies, who were the parents?
Again, unknown.
Originally Posted by Fluffy Butt
The Rift is the resting place of all souls, then why did Rurik say we will meet in the Hall of Heroes? Does that mean your soul isn't rested?
The HoH is part of the Rift, it is the Arena of the Afterlife. Mortals only get to go there because of Lord Odran, who created several portals into the Rift, we currently know 3, 1 we cnnot get to, and 1 is corrupted, the third is in Heroes' Ascent.
Originally Posted by Fluffy Butt
Does the Sceptor of Orr and Staff of Mists control the Mists? If so, the "sister staff" could be involved in GW2 = more trouble
Again, nothing controls the Mists, and these staves were given to human leaders by the gods. And the Staff of the Mists is destroyed as well by the player in a quest, which also introduces the staff. Also, fixed the name of the Staff of Mists for you .
Originally Posted by Fluffy Butt
Learn about the mystery around the story in GUILD WARS 2, dun, dun daaaa
Fixed this for you
Last edited by Konig Des Todes; Mar 17, 2008 at 11:02 PM // 23:02..
Mar 17, 2008, 02:07 AM // 02:07
Forge Runner
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Fluffy you should read the Prophecies manual, many of your questions are answered there.
Once again, The Mists is like space - or the abyss between worlds. Nobody controls it, even the Gods cannot. Also HoH IS considered the "eternal resting place". Only mortals fight in the Hall of Heroes. It's even said in the lore of Lord Odran - the spirits enjoyed pitting the humans against each other in the HoH and watching them fight. Basically we're their little gladiators.
The HoH IS the equivalent of heaven, in essence. Naturally the Realm of Torment is the equivalent of hell. The Underworld is a sort of "waiting room" where spirits wait for Grenth to pass judgement on them (and in turn where they go from there), but with all the chaos down there, it's not that simple.
Mar 18, 2008, 03:17 AM // 03:17
Ascalonian Squire
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Peeps, Do you really think the Staff of Mists is really "destroyed"?
Cause last time I check in GWEN the Staff of Orr was suppose to be "destroyed" but ended up in the hand of a beautiful necro name Livia(if people remeber the scene when Oden was talking about " New sacrifices will be made" showing livia was about to pick up the staff of orr)
Mar 18, 2008, 04:57 AM // 04:57
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Originally Posted by Shinx the Reaper
Peeps, Do you really think the Staff of Mists is really "destroyed"?
Cause last time I check in GWEN the Staff of Orr was suppose to be "destroyed" but ended up in the hand of a beautiful necro name Livia(if people remeber the scene when Oden was talking about " New sacrifices will be made" showing livia was about to pick up the staff of orr)
The Sceptor of Orr was never destroyed. Glint took it away. At the end of Hell's Pricipice, the characters don't destroy it, Glint's avatar appears over the Sceptor of Orr and it disappears. Whoever the Staff of Mists was destroyed by us and a ghost.
Mar 18, 2008, 09:49 AM // 09:49
Forge Runner
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Yeah the Sceptor of Orr has never been destroyed. It was left on the stone in the Fire Island Chain while Abaddons Mouth began erupting. And once we had gone the Sceptor just vanished. If the Staff of the Mists is anything to go by the Sceptor would probably have a certain way to destroy it for good.
Mar 18, 2008, 05:32 PM // 17:32
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What staff does Livia pick up in the final cutscene in GWEN? Isn't that the Scepter of Orr?
Mar 18, 2008, 05:40 PM // 17:40
Furnace Stoker
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^Yeah i'm pretty sure it's the scepter of orr.
Mar 18, 2008, 06:37 PM // 18:37
Forge Runner
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Yes its the Scepter of Orr. At the start of G.O.L.E.M Livia asks your character if they have ever heard of a thing called the Scepter of Orr. And so somehow she found it (or it found her)
Mar 18, 2008, 06:40 PM // 18:40
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Ok, I thought that was it, but couldn't remember exactly. Wow, I should read, post #17 to be exact. Lol.
You destroy some scepter in Nightfall as well.
EDIT: It's the Staff of the Mists, a twin of the Scepter of Orr that you destroy in a quest in NF.
Last edited by Kattar; Mar 18, 2008 at 06:43 PM // 18:43..
Mar 18, 2008, 07:15 PM // 19:15
Forge Runner
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I thought Glint took the Scepter and ate it to give herself MOAR POWAZ!
Apparently not, that or Livia finds it where Glint's plumbing system lets out.
Maybe she'll go mad with power? Also, unless the Scepter can do more than a lousy +1 Energy Regeneration, I'm assuming that when she means to use it to "save Kryta" she means call upon the Titans again? Be so cool if she enlists them as allies but then goes mad with power and turns into some hot scantily-clad villain.
Mar 19, 2008, 07:42 PM // 19:42
Forge Runner
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The Lich still led the Orrian undead before he got the scepter, though that may have been irrelevant.
How about in one of GW2's story arcs, we repeat Prophecies (giving Scepter of Orr to hot Krytan chick)? All the old players would be like "this seems oddly familiar..."
Mar 20, 2008, 12:19 AM // 00:19
Forge Runner
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The giveaway happens earlier in the game than planned, too, because in THK you see Lichie holding the scepter, if I recall.
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