mission help
Im at the mission after ring of fire, and we spent two hours getting to the very end, where two bosses are backed by a trap, tht damages us and heals them, the two bosses can both heal each other, and there is no way to get one to leave the other, the are intertwined.... literaly. Maybe its a glich. We even tried running past and knocking the door down, but the bosses healed the door and smashed us to pieces. we kept retreating and trying again, but eventualy i was the only one of my team who hadnt given up, so i had to leave the mission. IT ISNT POSSIBLE TO LURE THEM, SO DONT EVEN MENTION LURING, once we managed to get one alone, then it realized it was alone at half health and ran back to its buddy and their trap. they wont leave the damn trap.