here's some screens just to show.. tanzit and drago are the two you want to hit if your after the $$$.. drops as of recently are really bad solo though (but they still drop- I don't really play much anymore so things could change)- there's more to these builds than just getting there and killing the boss.. I'll give you this info as I believe it's now outdated and won't affect any current solo farmers out there with working builds.. if you wanted a green drop everytime there HAD to be some other mob somewhere on your radar besides the boss your after- the boss could'nt be alone =] this could help save you a few hours scratching your head like I did.. to work off your farmer tag you can run the great northern wall mission- take 3 low levels along and go back.. maybe there's another condition that has to be met nowdays that I overlooked- don't really care to spend the time to figure it out but hope it helps anyone out there who likes soloing and was wondering.. this games pretty much anything's possible if you take the time- probably be back for the expansion