I beat that mission with a RL friend of mine and me + henchies 3 times with our 3 different character the time we leveled them up, first it was Wa/El + Ele/N + henchies, second times it was R/Me + Wa/M + henchies & the last time it was Ele/M + M/W + henchies.
Seriously that mission is a joke, once you've figured out the good order to kill the titans, to tell you we've finished that mission 3 times out of 4 attempts, on our first try we died to the lich cause our stupid henchies were getting in lava and were dying from fire, the time after we managed them so they didn't do it and we let the lich come back to the center and we took off the sissy.
The only difficulty with that mission is that it's very long to finish, takes more than an hour easily, but I must admit that the part that made me joke the most is when you arrive to the "champions area" where you got to destroy the 3 titan portals and you see all those red dots on your radar and you got that inner voice saying, damn there's gonna be some tuff pulls i guess, then you go in with your warrior a bit more elevated than the targets, you grab your bow and boom, single pull, you bring back to the group , dies in 10secs and you go grab another till all the red dots disapear and you only have the portals with 3 spectres pull left, than rurik is all yours and then lich.