More Green Item Farming stuff
I'm not absolutely sure about this because I haven't written the information down yet, but I will keep track of it the next time I do this.
There is a particular boss in Factions who drops an item I want and I can solo the boss, which is level 28. I probably killed that boss 20 times last night solo and did not get the drop. There are a couple things that occurred to me:
1. I already have one of those green items customized for the particular character I was using to solo the boss. I did put the item in storage and then on another character part way through the farming but nothing changed.
2. If I avoided everything else between me and the boss and killed only him, I got no drop of any kind. If I killed a few other critters on my way there (mostly between level 20 and 22), I got some drop but not very valuable. If I killed 10 or 20 enemies before I went to the boss then I got more valuable drops from it, but still nothing above a purple -- this is true even when I soloed 3 level 28 oni's before the boss.
Again this is with no henchies and no other human players so I should have gotten every drop possible. The standard stuff like gold coins and white items did not seem to drop significantly more than if I had taken a whole team either.
It does appear to me as though they are specifically trying to keep people from farming, but I don't understand why. I'd think the more people who played your game the better it would be for you in the long run.
I'm not in favor of bots and I only farm for specific items that I want for a specific character rather than a way to make cash, but to me if you put in the time and effort you should be rewarded.
If I get better/more information on how many enemies I killed before the boss vs. how good the boss drops were I'll post it when I can, but it's very time consuming to solo groups with a mix of casters and phys damage enemies