A few Hero Related Questions
I really love the new game. I think it's fantastic.
Here are 3 issues I've noticed. It could just be me not knowing what to do or it could be something that needs to be fixed/improved, Anet...
1. My hero monk won't stop healing a minion master in the party. So the hero monk runs out of energy from casting spells non-stop, literally. HELP!
2. Is there a way to tell how close a hero is to reaching the next level? For example, we can look at our own xp....
3. Is there a way to monitor when more hero skills are available and how many? Right now, I'm confused by it. I only know I may acquire more hero skills when I speak with the hero skill trainer. I'm not able to see ahead of time whether I should go speak with the hero skill trainer. And when I'm told there are 5 skills available, is that 5 per hero or 5 total? Yeah, I know, I'm confused. With a player's own character, the player may check for skill points. Can this be done with a hero? If so, I can't figure it out. If not, it would help.
That's all for now. The game is great. Good job Anet!!!!!!!! A little help on the above issues would be nice.