To Cavalon!
I need some help please...
I recently started a guild and i want an alliance. I would like a luxon alliance but i need to first side with the luxons... right now I am trying to do closer to the stars so i can get to Nahpui Quarter. if someone could help me get to Cavalon in one day that would be good.
I will try to pay. I dont have much money cause i just bought everything to make a 55 monk cept the grim cesta.
Right now i am farming Ice Breakers.
i can give the person who helps me a couple if u help.
i dont have any right now cause i didnt really start the farm.
i am getting my skills so i can solo farm.
the only days i am able to play this week are Friday and Saturday and maybe today (Thursday, Thanksgiving)
i would really appreciate the help =]
--- Zurc Blackstarr --- Iron Power Slave ---