pack hunter
this build overcomes the weakness to packhunting that ive found, which is massive degen builds, which ive been c'ing more commonly with toxicity. i duno what u guys run, but this what we ran, the only problem is u cant hold hall's as we figured, but u can win it easily. -- insane pressure
6 R/P - 12 spear, split b/w expertise and whatever spirit u are bringing, favor more towards expertise
1. - Barbed Spear
2. - Disrupting Throw
3. - Swift Javelin
4. - Mighty Throw
5.- Cauterization signet
6. - Res
7. - *variable*
8. - charm pet
N/mo (ooa) , ooa, mark of pain,mend condition, aegis,extinguish, reversal hex,convert hex, res -- 16 curse, 10 soul reap, 9 prot.
N/mo(oop) - oop,dywana's sorrow,infuse,heal area, convert hex's,glimmering light,seed,res -- 16 blood, 10 soul reap, 9 heal.
-- explanation.
- Firstly the idea behind cautization is that, with 6 people with it, u have zero problem with conditions, and the burn can be easily counteracted by mend condition or extinguish.
-- Dywana's sorrow is for the pets, and for those who u know will die, no matter what. it gives u an edge.
- the order of spamming skils is 1-4, rince and repeat, we considered dropping Mighty Throw, for tigers fury but meh. ..
--*variable* slot - this slot consist of 5 rangers bringing spirits and 1 ranger bringing song of concentration of capping.
- 1st spirit - winnow -- extra damage
-2nd - qz -- for nec's. more efficent heals etc.
- 3rd - ew -- for nec's
- 4th - fs/muddy terrain (MT maybe.. never used it) --
- 5th - qz2 -- qz1 doesnt last long enough
Last edited by banditjin; Sep 24, 2006 at 10:12 AM // 10:12..