Why Bother even reporting these scumbags? Area don`t give a crap about how you feel and couldn`t give a stuff about leechers or Bots
I have reported one notorious Bot in FA (Kurzick side) several times, guess what, after 3 months they are still there, still botting, screenshots have been sent as well, whats the point, A-net dont give a crap about legitamate players concerns, i refuse to play this area now and will not be buying any future expansions as to me it seems that they prefer to nerf stuff. and let these problems exist, when u do complain they tell you to "join a community" and "write your concerns there"
GW is starting to go down the crapper fast, and in regards to how they are dealing with this leeching/Boting problem? they are not. Oh i know they had the big speal about 4,000 accounts being banned last june or july,(did they really) i still see the same bots in FA/Ganite Citadel and in the Deserts of Prophecies, i dont give a crap myself anymore. I give it about about one more month and i don`t see myself playing GW anymore, i am thinking X-Box GoW, at least they try to fix problems as they arise and want people to keep on playing without the feeling of being ripped off.
People have to vote with their feet and that is where i am thinking of walking too. Do GW care if I dont play? NO, neither do I