Dec 21, 2007, 12:25 AM // 00:25
Furnace Stoker
Open letter to Andrew Patrick (addressing all current PvP issues)
Basically, I want this topic to be a nice open discussion of current issues with PvP, and how to solve them. I don't want you guys flaming one another, flaming certain types of PvP, because even a guy who plays only HB is another guy playing PvP, and that is what really matters. Be nice, no flaming Izzy or Andrew, no talking bad about them or anything, because in the end it is not their fault if something doesn't pan out, both parties can only try their best.
I would like to remind Andrew (please read this ;-;) that anything I say in the following I mean for the best, and I hope I don't offend you or Izzy in the way I right stuff...I don't mean it and I hope no one else does anything like that! You guys put a lot of hard work into these games and we love it as much as you guys do. :)
I'll start off with what I think are the things that are currently the most glaring issues with PvP all around!
General PvP Issues:
*Tournament Reward guy needs EotN stuff.
*Tournament Reward guy could use some special PvP only looking stuff to hook PvE'ers into PvP!
*5 Tokens = 1 Zaishen Key. There is no reason not to allow this, because the #'s all work out anyways. Seriously. Right now its kind of like, "lawl you wasted your faction!!!!" and I think a slap in the face is the last thing the PvP community needs.
*Do not allow Heroes in all PvP modes, cept scrimming.
*Maybe enhance scrimming a bit, as per Tiyuri's suggestion here:
Skill Balance Issues:
*Too many useless skills and useless lines. We need more variety. Joke skills are good for a laugh....for the first week. Then they make you wonder whats up. Can you make skills like Mending, Otyugh's Cry, etc etc viable? Look at Elites even...stuff like Amity. They just make you go "uhhh".
*On that note, we need some skill balances that are more than 5 skills at a time, seriously. Buff/nerf entire lines if you have to, and then change stuff accordingly. Right now you have PvP players giving up because it seems like you guys don't care about that side of the game anymore. All a 5 skill balance every month or so is going to do is eventually bring everyone to running the exact 8 builds everywhere ALL the time. You need to shake up entire lines, and closely buff/nerf it when it needs to be, to show people you are interested. Sure, the balance will be wack, but the balance has been wack for a good year or so now.
*On THAT note, if you have to, maybe hire another skill balancer or something? I know Izzy has most of his time being ate up by TF2 (who can blame him ;p) and GW2, throw another guy on there! I don't care if its Ensign, or you Andrew, or someone else...but you definitely need SOMEONE.
*Fix Curses, Deadly Arts (crap since DP was nerfed, since DP is nerfed buff skills!!!), and all the other useless/crap lines.
Random Arena Issues:
*Prevent members of the same guild/alliance from being on the same team.
*Should give extra Faction for winning in Team Arenas if your RA team gets sent there.
*EDIT: Bring back the Zaishen Medal system.
Team Arena Issues:
*Not really an issue, but should probably give a bit extra Faction or something since it is higher level play? (at least, higher than RA...)
Hero Battles Issues:
*Fix Jennur's Horde bug (
*Replace Mercenary shrines with other shrines.
Jade Quarry Issues:
*Either up Balth faction rewards, give Flames of Balthazar, or something like that. It needs it.
Fort Aspenwood Issues:
*Fix these bugs:
* A bug known to happen is that a new set of Siege Team (a Siege Turtle and 4 Luxon Warriors) spawns whenever a Luxon command post was retaken by the Luxons even though the previous Siege Team was still alive. Thus, there are 2 Siege Teams (2 Turtles and 8 warriors) attacking the same gate.
* A gatekeeper NPC can be lured through the gate, on purpose or by accident, and he might not be able to return to his original position. This most often happens when the gatekeepers attempt to heal someone moving out of range.
* If a siege turtle is very close to a gate when it is repaired, the turtle will stop moving. This is highly exploitable by Kurzicks, as they simply leave the turtle's range and leave it alive, the Luxons will only have 1 turtle able to reach Gunther. However, this means that the gates on that side will be opened repeatedly as the turtle fires on the guards.
* Sometimes, if a Siege Turtle is close to a gate when it is repaired, it will use Carrier Defense and the gate guards will be teleported behind that gate, making that gate much harder to breach.
* Often, the Luxon Warriors will become 'stuck' in corners inside the fort and will not attack, only using Healing Signet when taking damage. This is exploitable by Kurzicks, because if the Luxon Warriors do not die, the Siege turtles cannot respawn.
* The Juggernaut can follow an attacker inside the base if the green gate is open. Closing the gate while it is still inside will prevent Luxon Warriors and other physical attackers from harming it.
* When the gates are open they appear broken on the map, and no longer close on their own.
Alliance Battles Issues:
*Fix this bug: "Sometimes when the timer has reached zero and the battle should commence, the gates do not open/the teleporters do not function.This is known as a no-start, unfortunately the only fix is to leave the map, abandoning the battle. " With Dishonor, this is horrible.
Heroes' Ascent Issues:
*I don't really have anything here...the game mode kind of supports gimmicky builds to some extent...
Guild versus Guild Issues:
*Splinter Weapon.
*NPC AI at VoD.
Automated Tournament Issues:
*I had an idea for this...rather than having AT's at certain times, why don't you let Guilds/people just sign up for them whenever....and when enough Guilds/people are signed up, it automatically starts one? That way Guilds/people can play whenever there is enough people on!
*Lower the wait time between matches...seriously. Make it like 10 minutes because you don't need much longer than that.
I hope you read this Andrew, and respond / forward to whoever, give your thoughts on whatever I and others said...I think that we should discuss these issues openly, get yours (as a player) and others thoughts on these and other issues, and discuss...because I think just sitting there and saying "I am forwarding this to XXX" is good and all, but we need to have a bit more than that.
Feel free to post your own issues on any of these things, with my first 2 paragraphs in line as well other guys, post your thoughts on what I posted, etc.
Last edited by DarkNecrid; Dec 21, 2007 at 12:31 AM // 00:31..
Dec 21, 2007, 01:48 AM // 01:48
Frost Gate Guardian
we need some skill balances that are more than 5 skills at a time, seriously. Buff/nerf entire lines if you have to, and then change stuff accordingly.
I'd like to second that. Really, PLEASE. There are some minor annoyances out there, but really, the game is in pretty good shape. The problem is, to get it there, a lot of options have been eliminated.
People are hungry to try new things, but the problem is that with the limited number of viable skills, there isn't a lot much more variation. Give people some new toys.
One of the biggest concerns at this time is the Necromancer. There's really not a lot of things the Necro is good for. A Taint/Death Necro seems to be pretty helpful in holding halls, but there aren't a lot of other open spots for Necros. There have been tons of posts across all kinds of threads full of suggestions. It's not a sign of weakness to take players' advice.
On that note, there really are all kinds of useless skills. It's expected that some skills aren't going to be particularly helpful in every situation, but there are some skills that I really can't come up with a use for at all. This is particularly discouraging when the skill is elite; it's excusable, though not exactly desirable, that some regular skills aren't worth playing, but there's no reason for an elite not to be viable.
I'm really not trying to bash anyone here. I'm sure you guys are busy with all kinds of things, and balance takes time and effort. Really though, you guys can't be so afraid to mix things up. I doubt many players would complain too loudly if you made some mistakes; so they might lose a few matches, I'm sure they'll get over it. Honestly, I think it would be incredibly encouraging to many players to see a few large scale changes take place. They'd feel like you really cared, and Guild Wars wasn't just going to sit here biding time till Guild Wars 2 comes out.
Worst case scenario, you miss a reason why a change is largely imbalanced, you fix it, and everything is good. If it's too big of a problem, revert the change, rework it on paper, and try it again. However, I think it would be helpful to be able to actually see the effects certain changes have. Go ahead, rework the Blood line. Change the ideology behind Necromancer hexes. Move skills to Soul Reaping to make it a more attractive primary line. Modify the Assassin's designed role to be less gamebreaking and more useful to balanced play. Buff a dozen useless elites and see how people use them. We want you to. We want options.
It's important to have the right mentality when playing with skills. Major nerfs should only come when they are effecting the game so as to limit options, i.e. "run it or lose" or "you have to bring X counter to thisway to win". If a skills numbers are way out of line, tone them down a touch, sure, but we've had a long period that consisted mostly of severe nerfing.
There have been buffs in there, and some have been good; Magebane is now a viable option over things like BA and Cripshot (maybe even too viable), and is great with the remnants of blockway still kicking around. WoH gave people a Healing elite that was actually useful (following the LoD nerf, of course). Then there was Overload... I mean, the damage is attractive, but not many skills reward actively deciding not to interrupt a skill. I don't know how you'd come up with a bar to put it on, let alone come up with a reason to slot that player when you had it.
Still, Overload hasn't hurt anybody. You didn't break anybody's build, because the only people using it were the NPC Mesmers at some of the AB shrines. No one's really using it now anyway, but that's fine, you tried. I think the idea is kind of flawed... I mean, unless the damage kills them, it's not doing a ton of good, especially if they have competent healers. It might be more interesting if the damage was toned down or removed but it caused exhaustion and/or energy loss.
That's neither here nor there, though. Not buffing a skill enough just means a skill that was once useless is a little less useless. If you buff a skill too much, you can always tone it back down again, or revert the change entirely.
These buffs are especially important since a lot of the reasons skills were nerfed are no longer problems, or were changed with the release of new expansions. Buff these skills back up and let us use them again. Horns of the Ox was a really neat skill, and it emphasized the importance of positioning. Nerfing it was a bad idea. It was never the problem. There are loads of problems with whole idea behind Assassins and a lot of their categories of skills. On the other hand, in my mind, Horns of the Ox was one of the most "right" skills in the Assassin line.
Ok, I think that's long enough. Sorry for the book. It's just that the possibility of a large scale shake-up excites me.
Last edited by Dominator1370; Dec 21, 2007 at 01:52 AM // 01:52..
Dec 21, 2007, 01:52 AM // 01:52
Furnace Stoker
Originally Posted by Dominator1370
No problem, books are good for this topic.
I agree completely, and that was the reasoning behind what I said for that, except I didn't want to have 100 books in the OP.
Dec 21, 2007, 01:53 AM // 01:53
has 3 pips of HP regen.
Join Date: Aug 2006
Guild: The Objective Is More [Cash]
Profession: W/
Originally Posted by DarkNecrid
*Too many useless skills and useless lines. We need more variety. Joke skills are good for a laugh....for the first week. Then they make you wonder whats up. Can you make skills like Mending, Otyugh's Cry, etc etc viable? Look at Elites even...stuff like Amity. They just make you go "uhhh".
Buffing poorly-designed skills does not produce good gameplay, we just got done watching the mess from Keystone Signet which should have really driven that point home, as if Discord heroway didn't.
There are many, many things that have fallen by the wayside which can be picked up to their former glory, which are choicer candidates for buffs than trash.
*Prevent members of the same guild/alliance from being on the same team.
Better idea: Enter players into the RA queue at a random time between when they click Enter Battle and 15 seconds later.
Team Arena Issues:
*Not really an issue, but should probably give a bit extra Faction or something since it is higher level play? (at least, higher than RA...)
Not really an issue? Between Warmonger's spearchucker abuse, bad rangers spamming Magebane, and Augury lamespike, it's a mess.
Jade Quarry Issues:
*Either up Balth faction rewards, give Flames of Balthazar, or something like that. It needs it.
Jade Quarry faction should be increased to the same level as Alliance Battles.
Alliance Battles Issues:
*Fix this bug: "Sometimes when the timer has reached zero and the battle should commence, the gates do not open/the teleporters do not function.This is known as a no-start, unfortunately the only fix is to leave the map, abandoning the battle. " With Dishonor, this is horrible.
That's fairly rare though.
AB and Jade Quarry should both implement a system:
- Allow AB teams to form up to 12 players, allow entry with team sizes of 4 in one queue and 12 in a separate one. Automatically break teams of 12 into three teams of 4 on game start.
- Allow Jade Quarry players to enter either alone or with a team, with teams in a separate queue.
- Make a separate title track for victories in both.
The amount of wasted potential in both is huge, far more potential than Hero Battles ever had.
Heroes' Ascent Issues:
*I don't really have anything here...the game mode kind of supports gimmicky builds to some extent...
The objectives need a rework. The new KOTH is a lot less lame than the old one, but relics are plagued with a terrible scoring system compounding terrible movement code, and capture points are boring.
Last edited by Riotgear; Dec 21, 2007 at 01:56 AM // 01:56..
Dec 21, 2007, 01:56 AM // 01:56
Furnace Stoker
Originally Posted by Riotgear
Buffing poorly-designed skills does not produce good gameplay, we just got done watching the mess from Keystone Signet which should have really driven that point home, as if Discord heroway didn't.
You can buff things in more than one way. REWORK skills. Change what they do if you have to!
There are many, many things that have fallen by the wayside which can be picked up to their former glory, which are choicer candidates for buffs than trash.
Both need to be fixed.
Better idea: Introduce a random delay to RA queue entries, anywhere from zero to 15 seconds.
That isn't much of a better idea. Preventing guild + alliance from being on same teams makes sense.
AB and Jade Quarry should both implement a system:
- Allow AB teams to form up to 12 players, allow entry with team sizes of 4 in one queue and 12 in a separate one. Automatically break teams of 12 into three teams of 4 on game start.
- Allow Jade Quarry players to enter either alone or with a team, with teams in a separate queue.
- Make a separate title track for victories in both.
The objectives need a rework. The new KOTH is a lot less lame than the old one, but relics are plagued with a terrible scoring system compounding terrible movement code, and capture points are boring.
I guess....I don't really HA that much anymore to be honest, someone else would need to provide such feedback. :P
Not really an issue? Between Warmonger's spearchucker abuse, bad rangers spamming Magebane, and Augury lamespike, it's a mess.
Yeah can't balance the game around 4v4, sadly. :/
Dec 21, 2007, 02:01 AM // 02:01
has 3 pips of HP regen.
Join Date: Aug 2006
Guild: The Objective Is More [Cash]
Profession: W/
Originally Posted by DarkNecrid
You can buff things in more than one way. REWORK skills. Change what they do if you have to!
Skills being bad in general is not inherently hurting the game. I could add 200 utterly terrible skills to the game and it would do absolutely nothing. Do you actually play games and say "damn, this would be so much more fun if Amity didn't blow!"
There needs to be an overarching design goal, and things need to be nudged towards that goal. That's how to balance. Saying "okay, we're going to buff this because it's bad" means bad ideas become viable and the game gets worse. Unfortunately, I'm not sure GW has an overarching design goal. The skill lines look like a huge brainstorming session.
See above. Trash skills being fixed is not essential for the game by any stretch of imagination. Skills that did work without promoting degenerate gameplay are a much better place to start.
Yeah can't balance the game around 4v4, sadly. :/
They can do much better than they're doing right now.
Last edited by Riotgear; Dec 21, 2007 at 02:04 AM // 02:04..
Dec 21, 2007, 02:02 AM // 02:02
Jungle Guide
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Bellevue, WA
Profession: W/
Originally Posted by Riotgear
AB and Jade Quarry should both implement a system:
- Allow AB teams to form up to 12 players, allow entry with team sizes of 4 in one queue and 12 in a separate one. Automatically break teams of 12 into three teams of 4 on game start.
- Allow Jade Quarry players to enter either alone or with a team, with teams in a separate queue.
- Make a separate title track for victories in both.
This is a great idea, and I would love these changes, but are there enough players interested in 12v12 AB for it to work without twenty minute waits? Given that there is frequently only 1 AB district with players in it, how many simultaneous 12v12 teams do you think we are likely to get?
I suspect ArenaNet will figure it isn't worth the effort, when they could spend time working on random PvE garbage that affects a thousand times as many players.
Dec 21, 2007, 02:10 AM // 02:10
has 3 pips of HP regen.
Join Date: Aug 2006
Guild: The Objective Is More [Cash]
Profession: W/
Originally Posted by Gigashadow
This is a great idea, and I would love these changes, but are there enough players interested in 12v12 AB for it to work without twenty minute waits? Given that there is frequently only 1 AB district with players in it, how many simultaneous 12v12 teams do you think we are likely to get?
I think adding new organized play types would help reinvigorate things without having to reinvent it. Considering they can make stuff like Costume Brawl and Rollerbeetle Racing for one week timespans, I think they could do something like allow team groups in existing formats.
I'm not counting in AB's current playerbase surviving in an organized format. I think they'd suck at it. I do, however, think that introducing a new format would provide a much lower initial barrier to entry, and get players interested in trying something new.
Dec 21, 2007, 04:07 AM // 04:07
Furnace Stoker
See above. Trash skills being fixed is not essential for the game by any stretch of imagination. Skills that did work without promoting degenerate gameplay are a much better place to start.
Trash skills being fixed by reworking them = more options, just like buffing bad but not trash skills = more options
More options = more unique and less boring gameplay = more people wanting to play
I don't know about you but seeing the same builds forever and ever is boring.
Dec 21, 2007, 04:24 AM // 04:24
has 3 pips of HP regen.
Join Date: Aug 2006
Guild: The Objective Is More [Cash]
Profession: W/
Originally Posted by DarkNecrid
Trash skills being fixed by reworking them = more options, just like buffing bad but not trash skills = more options
Buffing skills because they are trash should not be the general balance mentality. They should be buffed because they have potential to improve the game.
Start from the ground up: How would you rather play the game? Why can't you play it that way? Now, which skills should be enabling that type of gameplay that aren't good enough, and/or what is too good at shutting those skills down?
Dec 21, 2007, 04:31 AM // 04:31
Furnace Stoker
Originally Posted by Riotgear
Buffing skills because they are trash should not be the general balance mentality. They should be buffed because they have potential to improve the game.
Start from the ground up: How would you rather play the game? Why can't you play it that way? Now, which skills should be enabling that type of gameplay that aren't good enough, and/or what is too good at shutting those skills down?
And if you rework them completely...they have potential to improve the game.
Thats what I'm saying.
Dec 21, 2007, 05:52 AM // 05:52
I like yumy food!
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Where I can eat yumy food
Guild: Dead Alley [dR]
Profession: Mo/R
Originally Posted by DarkNecrid
General PvP Issues:
*Tournament Reward guy needs EotN stuff.
*Tournament Reward guy could use some special PvP only looking stuff to hook PvE'ers into PvP!
*5 Tokens = 1 Zaishen Key. There is no reason not to allow this, because the #'s all work out anyways. Seriously. Right now its kind of like, "lawl you wasted your faction!!!!" and I think a slap in the face is the last thing the PvP community needs.
*Do not allow Heroes in all PvP modes, cept scrimming.
*Maybe enhance scrimming a bit, as per Tiyuri's suggestion here:
Token to keys is nice, but definitely not 5 for 1 key. Heroes aren't necessarily bad by themselves, but it's the degenerate team builds that revolve around them that are.
Skill Balance Issues:
*Too many useless skills and useless lines. We need more variety. Joke skills are good for a laugh....for the first week. Then they make you wonder whats up. Can you make skills like Mending, Otyugh's Cry, etc etc viable? Look at Elites even...stuff like Amity. They just make you go "uhhh".
*On that note, we need some skill balances that are more than 5 skills at a time, seriously. Buff/nerf entire lines if you have to, and then change stuff accordingly. Right now you have PvP players giving up because it seems like you guys don't care about that side of the game anymore. All a 5 skill balance every month or so is going to do is eventually bring everyone to running the exact 8 builds everywhere ALL the time. You need to shake up entire lines, and closely buff/nerf it when it needs to be, to show people you are interested. Sure, the balance will be wack, but the balance has been wack for a good year or so now.
*On THAT note, if you have to, maybe hire another skill balancer or something? I know Izzy has most of his time being ate up by TF2 (who can blame him ;p) and GW2, throw another guy on there! I don't care if its Ensign, or you Andrew, or someone else...but you definitely need SOMEONE.
*Fix Curses, Deadly Arts (crap since DP was nerfed, since DP is nerfed buff skills!!!), and all the other useless/crap lines.
A whole reworking is not going to happen, and you'll just have to accept it. What we can do is change the most abused skills and buff some skills that could see play in the future.
Random Arena Issues:
*Prevent members of the same guild/alliance from being on the same team.
*Should give extra Faction for winning in Team Arenas if your RA team gets sent there.
*EDIT: Bring back the Zaishen Medal system.
RA is meant to be random. It was pretty interesting seeing an alliance member in my team once. Zaishen medal would be nice.
Team Arena Issues:
*Not really an issue, but should probably give a bit extra Faction or something since it is higher level play? (at least, higher than RA...)
People who want to play TA will still play it. Giving higher rewards won't make new guys play and stick around.
Hero Battles need to be fixed. End of story.
Jade Quarry Issues:
*Either up Balth faction rewards, give Flames of Balthazar, or something like that. It needs it.
Fort Aspenwood Issues:
*Fix these bugs:
* A bug known to happen is that a new set of Siege Team (a Siege Turtle and 4 Luxon Warriors) spawns whenever a Luxon command post was retaken by the Luxons even though the previous Siege Team was still alive. Thus, there are 2 Siege Teams (2 Turtles and 8 warriors) attacking the same gate.
* A gatekeeper NPC can be lured through the gate, on purpose or by accident, and he might not be able to return to his original position. This most often happens when the gatekeepers attempt to heal someone moving out of range.
* If a siege turtle is very close to a gate when it is repaired, the turtle will stop moving. This is highly exploitable by Kurzicks, as they simply leave the turtle's range and leave it alive, the Luxons will only have 1 turtle able to reach Gunther. However, this means that the gates on that side will be opened repeatedly as the turtle fires on the guards.
* Sometimes, if a Siege Turtle is close to a gate when it is repaired, it will use Carrier Defense and the gate guards will be teleported behind that gate, making that gate much harder to breach.
* Often, the Luxon Warriors will become 'stuck' in corners inside the fort and will not attack, only using Healing Signet when taking damage. This is exploitable by Kurzicks, because if the Luxon Warriors do not die, the Siege turtles cannot respawn.
* The Juggernaut can follow an attacker inside the base if the green gate is open. Closing the gate while it is still inside will prevent Luxon Warriors and other physical attackers from harming it.
* When the gates are open they appear broken on the map, and no longer close on their own.
Just up faction rewards and people will play this like AB. FA bugs are pretty common and who knows what they'll do.
Heroes' Ascent Issues:
*I don't really have anything here...the game mode kind of supports gimmicky builds to some extent...
Guild versus Guild Issues:
*Splinter Weapon.
*NPC AI at VoD.
Good skill balance will fix this for the most part.
Automated Tournament Issues:
*I had an idea for this...rather than having AT's at certain times, why don't you let Guilds/people just sign up for them whenever....and when enough Guilds/people are signed up, it automatically starts one? That way Guilds/people can play whenever there is enough people on!
*Lower the wait time between matches...seriously. Make it like 10 minutes because you don't need much longer than that.
All they need is a better time schedule, or else there will never be enough guilds. The wait time between matches is only like 5 minutes if you play the entire 28 minutes of the match.
Dec 21, 2007, 09:17 AM // 09:17
Ascalonian Squire
Join Date: Jun 2007
Guild: The Biggyverse
Well i'd like them just to buff alot of skills, cos i'm bored of going into a GvG or HA and seeing the chars and knowing 75%+ of the skills the players are running.
Also move the AT's to better times, AT's for GvG between 7-10 starts on a night. ^ ^
Dec 21, 2007, 09:58 AM // 09:58
Lion's Arch Merchant
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: Great Soviet California!
Guild: Deputy Glitter's Shoe Squad [ghey]
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More like Gvg is knowing what 90%+ skills are being used. Im sure off the top of our heads we could all put together 8 skill bars and anyone with skill could run it just fine. I support the whole skills balance thing, either more frequent updates or biger ones at that. An aspenwood/jade needs faction rewards equal to ab if you want more people to play.
Dec 21, 2007, 01:41 PM // 13:41
Krytan Explorer
Join Date: Jun 2007
Guild: Ray
64 skills in a team build, over 1200 skills in the game. adding more professions and more skills was a mistake, now the problem is not underpowered crap like mending but overpowered stuff, because the real damage comes from there.
Dec 21, 2007, 03:57 PM // 15:57
Wilds Pathfinder
1. Pvp players do not want more options.
2. Number 1 has been proven over and over again
3. Necromancers should be removed from pvp before tards start wanting nerf barbs because they can't beat heroway...
4. Anything buffed will be kicked out of the game in 2 weeks.
Dec 21, 2007, 04:59 PM // 16:59
Desert Nomad
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: USA: liberating you since 1918.
It seems to me your plea is mostly subjective and doesn't at all reflect the views of the "community." For one example, your section on Fort Aspenwood is larger than your section on skill balance.
Dec 21, 2007, 07:23 PM // 19:23
Ascalonian Squire
Join Date: May 2005
Guild: Tactical Maneuver [Go]
Originally Posted by Byron
It seems to me your plea is mostly subjective and doesn't at all reflect the views of the "community." For one example, your section on Fort Aspenwood is larger than your section on skill balance.
To the OP, I have no problems with your opinions, being just your opinions, but they don't reflect those of the PvP community.
Originally Posted by wuzzman
1. Pvp players do not want more options.
2. Number 1 has been proven over and over again
3. Necromancers should be removed from pvp before tards start wanting nerf barbs because they can't beat heroway...
4. Anything buffed will be kicked out of the game in 2 weeks.
lol what?
Dec 21, 2007, 07:48 PM // 19:48
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: defiinitely noyb
Profession: Mo/
Open Letter to Andrew Patrick (addressing all current PvP issues):
Remove Dishonorable Combatant System:
Reason for new/casual players to mock us & gloat over our punishment for prematurely leaving a match due to forseen loss of matches and imbalanced/grieving players and teams...)
PvP was fine for the 2.5 years that it didn't have this update.
Stop nerfing assassins:
They instagib... it's their purpose as a class.
Remove Text-Fade:
Straining our eyes... straining them real good!
Remove /report emote:
Emo's favorite EMO-te. They take advantage of the automated nature of punishing others with time-depravity in PvP and then gloat about it, mocking their intended target in the room until he/she can take no more of it.
**All of the above reflects my opinion only! Please respect and do not flame or troll.**
Dec 21, 2007, 08:08 PM // 20:08
Furnace Stoker
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Guild Hall, Vent, Guesting, PvE, or the occasional HA match...
Guild: Dark Alley [dR]
Originally Posted by Ulterion
Remove Dishonorable Combatant System:
Reason for new/casual players to mock us & gloat over our punishment for prematurely leaving a match due to forseen loss of matches and imbalanced/grieving players and teams...)
PvP was fine for the 2.5 years that it didn't have this update.
It was fine, this just helped remove some of the random tards out of it and brought in more random tards in their place...
Originally Posted by Ulterion
Stop nerfing assassins:
They instagib... it's their purpose as a class.
Hence why they need to be nerfed. instagib class in a team game = imbalance. u want instagib, go play Unreal Tournament where there is an option for this...
Originally Posted by Ulterion
Remove Text-Fade:
Straining our eyes... straining them real good!
Theres an option to do this.....
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