I haven't even mentioned it being overpowered or that less microintensive classes are bad.
But yes, paragons have so little to gain by microing properly that it's laughable.
How well a paragon does in a game is much more dependant on pre battle strategy in what map you or the opponent chose and what builds they chose.
It's so little about how you actually play it that it's ludicrous.
You need to change targets, however, much less of a problem for you since you're ranged and you don't need to constantly prioritize and retarget since you need to interrupt as much as a ranger.
You might have to use a defensive skills such as expel or Empathic, that's not difficult and a part of every defensive midline role, even less since none of the spells you'll be using have weaponsets you can switch to to increase the benefit.
Compared to most other defensive midline roles, you don't even need to watch the enemy offense unless for spiking retarded overextenders.
You're not really ever going to suddenly push for flaggers or split off since it's too inflexible, making the tactical choices on a paragon less than impressive.
Not to say there aren't loads of situations where you need to make the right decision to do well, but that in comparison to almost anything else it's hilariously little you need to do.
And as a sidenote, not doing those things will have much less of an impact on your effectiveness than on any other character.