Nov 23, 2008, 05:24 PM // 17:24
PvE - The Curbstomp Method
Note: all builds were assembled in GW Team Builder, so attributes are not part of the template codes. As such, I will leave it to you to decide on the attribute splits (besides, I get the feeling if I told you guys to run 14 weapon mastery, you'd just run 16 anyway).
Be advised the the following team was designed for use by 6-8 human players, though Heroes can sub in for most of the utility slots if need be. Also, everything posted here works superbly in HM, so you should have no issues getting whatever enemy killing variety type titles of ePeenery you seek (Vanquishing Pwnsaucer, Eternal <Elite Place> Finishing Badass, Guardian of African AIDS Babies, or whatever else you can think of that I missed (sans those silly 4 or 6 player missions that are a walk through the daisies anyway)). Also be advised that as a PvE-turned-PvP player, I will be more than happy to answer questions and field suggestions, but if I find your comments to be pointless or just stupid, expect to be laughed at or ignored (comments like LOL CRYWAY IS BETTER or THAT DOESN'T WORK IN XYZ SITUATION fall into this category, because if you missed the part where I said it works superbly in HM, consider for a moment that it works superbly in HM). Lastly, this is basically just a bunch of bars we used to run in the [SMS] alliance before most of us quit playing GW PvE for whatever reason (or moved on to [TAM] LOL HI GUYS OVER THERE), so I take no credit for thinking them up really, just filling in variety slots with the stuff we liked the most and putting it in one place so that people may get a use out of it. Racthoh will probably cry about it but he's a supermod so he can just DELETE IT IF HE'S GONNA BE A BIG BABY ABOUT IT JUST LIKE HE WAS ABOUT HIS PIZZA. Most of these bars are probably on PvX anyways, so if they are, just consider this confirmation that they actually work well (never trust PvX ratings guys, it's not a smart way to pick your builds).
Moving right along...
[CS Gon;AZBCxghvRkF+ZhBE6uJvB]
[Solo AP Monk;AzBCtANTsp99A8EQwRYTA]
That's the core of the build there. Now, as for the last three slots, you have a nice variety of stuff to choose from. Some things work better than others in general, some better than others in specific situations. Whatever. We rolled mad gangstas right off our block with our hands tied behind our backs when [SMS] was still kicking so it's not like you have to worry too much about failing (so long as that Monk and the Imbagon don't fall asleep or suck at their roles). So yeah, utility slots time.
[Bitchbar Rt;A4ACdchxkx0SUTUPMMdxA]
[Human Ver;A4ACdchxkx0SUTsKOMdxA]
Basically this guy gets to be everybody's bitch (hence the name). Help the Monk with hex cleanup, toss a PS here and there if needed, mash Splinter and PwK all day. Offering keeps the energy bar up and everybody's just dandy. I know, all of you hardcore Ritualist fans are probably whining about it, but it's good, and it's extremely useful, even if it is one of the most boring bars in the history of boring bars. Heroes are pretty good at it though, so...
[Bitchbar Ele;AGBC5n1LgLgMMJYIUWJAA]
Yep. Another one. Except this one does damage! Oooh, aaahh! Mash everything on recharge pretty much (in some reasonably logical order, of course). Dark Fury and OoP make the physicals make things go BOOOOM faster, so they are quite awesome. You shouldn't run out of energy if you use Glyph wisely. And you can have some fun popping enemies in the face with Flame Djinn's if you'd like, because after all, you are gonna have something like 170AL or more if you are equipped properly. MB+RI is good damage, DF+OoP is good support. A bitch bar to be sure, but it can definitely be a fun one to play.
[Bitchbar Derv;AKBC5dNJYIcfFeBeVehfB]
One of Racthoh's more amusing builds, and it turns out to be very effective on a Derv hero. On a human player, not so much, because honestly the hero is better at managing the stuff than most humans are. Probably because humans fall asleep within thirty seconds of starting to actually do anything with it. However, if you have a hero slot open, or a Derv player who wants into the group, this is definitely the bar you want to fill the slot with (in fact, you could probably add this to the core list, because it's just THAT useful). It's excellent. Helps the Monk heal a bit and makes the Warriors do BIGGAR DOMOGE!!!111!1
[Dwayna Derv;AaAC9e1cxc99FU0DOuJAA]
Like any Dwayna build, you run in, mash attack skills, gain health, lose a hex, and gain a pile of energy every 20 seconds. Wild Blow can be dropped for an IAS if you'd like. I enjoy having it for WHIIIIRRRRLINNNNNG GAYFEENCCEEESSS and shit, is all. Very straightforward, lots of fun if you get Splinter Weapon on you. Only one who can possibly die in this form is Arkantos. I don't know how, but he always managed to do it...
[Buttonmasher Sin;AXACFAR8dw0wYTWDq/IAA]
I don't think I even need to explain this one. :3
[Smiter Hero;AjBC5SQ9hXV9168bY9NPA]
Fairly run of the mill smiter hero. Been running this on my Ogden for a while and am enjoying it a lot. The AI handles the bar quite well, and never runs into energy issues even if Glyph is dropped for Rez Sig. Worth bringing if you want a bit extra oomph on the ES War and more offensive cleanup than the Ritualist provides. Humans can run it fine too, but may be slower on the cleaning or may just fall asleep. I sometimes run this bar in Urgoz PUGs (lyk omgawd Faer pugz? yus i duz sumtiemz LOLZ), because it doesn't take a lot of thought to do well and people enjoy not being blind and SHADOWWWWW SHROOOUDED (protip guys, good casters carry MARTIAL WEAPONS like spears and swords and shit to avoid that sort of crap, and oh yeah MAYBE FOR THE AWESOME +5E +30HP BONUSES TOO) all the time.
And basically...
Yeah no I can't remember anything else right now. Too tired and ill. If anybody who knows what else I was supposed to add happens along, let me know! And of course like I previously stated, while all of these work exceptionally well in Hard Mode, it's not like the list is a closed case or anything. If you have a bar you think would synergize really well with the team build, run it by me, I may just add it and MAYBE EVEN CREDIT YOU OMFGZLOL. Poor Racthoh. Poor, poor Racthoh... I'm all up in his Campfire, postan all our top sekret awesome stuffs.
Yeah, discussion/questions/comments/STFUFAERTHEBARSAREBAD time is now.
Stay Breezy
Nov 23, 2008, 06:19 PM // 18:19
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Aussie Trolling Crew - Spah!
Sw33t post mang.
I was setting up some of deze ubr builds then I was all like "LOLGW" and altf4.
Nov 23, 2008, 06:24 PM // 18:24
Bubblegum Patrol
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Singapore Armed Forces
Needs more copies of Godspeed to run through zones faster while under Aegis.
And the heavens shall tremble.
Nov 23, 2008, 06:32 PM // 18:32
Originally Posted by Avarre
Well don't be a cheapass, buy some Essences, GAWD AVARRE. But yeah if you wanted it you could fit it in easily by adding a Motigon for one of the free slots and dropping something on the CS Gon for it, I guess.
Stay Breezy
Nov 23, 2008, 07:14 PM // 19:14
Krytan Explorer
That was quite an amusing read, and it looks to be a great build. Nice job!
However, this team build doesn't work in XYZ situation.
Nov 23, 2008, 07:36 PM // 19:36
Jungle Guide
Join Date: Jan 2006
Guild: [Here] | CKOD
Profession: E/R
didnt pay attention to the builds (they seemed like the average [email protected] builds), loved the magnificent writing, however.
Nov 23, 2008, 07:52 PM // 19:52
God of Spammers
Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: in the middle of a burning cornfield...
Guild: Scars Meadows [SMS] (Officer)
They are [email protected] builds, that is kinda the point of builds, or atleast so I thought... Next time post [email protected] builds Faer. (Just post w/e Arky runs)
Nov 23, 2008, 08:01 PM // 20:01
Furnace Stoker
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Delayed in order to meet ANet's high standards
Guild: [MaSS]
Profession: W/E
Promise Monk = oooh aaaah
10s Lead on Sin = wtf, I'd be a bitch and swap in [asuran scan][black mantis thrust]
Nov 23, 2008, 08:22 PM // 20:22
Join Date: Jan 2008
Guild: Trinity of the Ascended [ToA] -- IGN: Swirly
Profession: Mo/
Originally Posted by Bobby2
10s Lead on Sin = wtf,
*cough* moebius strike *cough*
Nov 23, 2008, 08:27 PM // 20:27
Emo Goth Italics
Faer, please impose even but a fraction of your awesomeness on me.
Nov 23, 2008, 08:31 PM // 20:31
Furnace Stoker
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Delayed in order to meet ANet's high standards
Guild: [MaSS]
Profession: W/E
Originally Posted by joshuarodger
*cough* moebius strike *cough*
When I'm being lazy, stuff sometimes dies too fast. And that's without such a god awesome team to back me up.
Nov 23, 2008, 08:40 PM // 20:40
Originally Posted by Tyla
Faer, please impose even but a fraction of your awesomeness on me.
Well, honestly, if you start using Frenzy, it's a good start. See, Frenzy gets a lot of bad shittalk thrown at it in PvE due to the double damage effect. But when you have a high base AL, and an additional massive armor boost from SY!, and damage reduction from TNTF on top of that, the double damage is really a pitiful price to pay for such a cheap 33% IAS. All of that is just basic math, but people don't think about it that way, because... Let's be honest, a lot of PvE players are dumb. Simpleminded. Or, at the very least, extremely stubborn. Being a unique snowflake is fine, but if you are going to be one, don't say you are better than the snowball. Because I've got news for you, that snowball is a lot more likely to roll over shit than you are, snowflake. You can be pretty all you want, but don't get in the snowball's way, because it's just going to crush you, without a doubt, 100% of the time. The snowball doesn't want to crush you, though. It won't make any sharp turns to run you over. Just stand clear of the path, and you'll be fine. It's when you start trying to prove that you are equal to the snowball that you fail, snowflake. Be free, be pretty, and be unique, but don't get too caught up in yourself. Only the snowball has the momentum required to do that and get away with it; you'll just suck and melt.
So, yeah! One of the first steps on the road to being as awesome as I am is to use Frenzy in PvE for a Warrior IAS. But use it responsibly, and make sure you have a Monk on your team who understands what their role really is. I use it on my own Warrior, and have not died once (still gotta grab that S3 title on something other than an Assassin before I quit GW :3).
Stay Breezy
Nov 23, 2008, 08:45 PM // 20:45
Desert Nomad
Join Date: May 2007
Location: living room
Profession: N/
that was on of the most amusing readings ive done, builds are standard PWN builds good to have them in ne place along with some good optional builds.
Nov 23, 2008, 08:51 PM // 20:51
Emo Goth Italics
Originally Posted by Faer
Well, honestly, if you start using Frenzy, it's a good start. See, Frenzy gets a lot of bad shittalk thrown at it in PvE due to the double damage effect. But when you have a high base AL, and an additional massive armor boost from SY!, and damage reduction from TNTF on top of that, the double damage is really a pitiful price to pay for such a cheap 33% IAS. All of that is just basic math, but people don't think about it that way, because... Let's be honest, a lot of PvE players are dumb. Simpleminded. Or, at the very least, extremely stubborn. Being a unique snowflake is fine, but if you are going to be one, don't say you are better than the snowball. Because I've got news for you, that snowball is a lot more likely to roll over shit than you are, snowflake. You can be pretty all you want, but don't get in the snowball's way, because it's just going to crush you, without a doubt, 100% of the time. The snowball doesn't want to crush you, though. It won't make any sharp turns to run you over. Just stand clear of the path, and you'll be fine. It's when you start trying to prove that you are equal to the snowball that you fail, snowflake. Be free, be pretty, and be unique, but don't get too caught up in yourself.
So, yeah! One of the first steps on the road to being as awesome as I am is to use Frenzy in PvE for a Warrior IAS. But use it responsibly, and make sure you have a Monk on your team who understands what their role really is. I use it on my own Warrior, and have not died once (still gotta grab that S3 title on something other than an Assassin before I quit GW :3).
I have troden the beginning footsteps already, and demand more lessons on the road to being as awesome as nobody but yourself. Please lead me to epic bravery and away from the teaching of Arkantos the Fail.
Nov 23, 2008, 08:55 PM // 20:55
Jungle Guide
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: There
Guild: [ToA]
On the DS war id use rush+flail instead of frenzy+sprint for energy reasons,decent setup though.
Nov 23, 2008, 09:00 PM // 21:00
Desert Nomad
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Southern California
Guild: Charter Vanguard [CV]
Profession: Me/Rt
Posting in one of the most win threads in a long time.
Nov 23, 2008, 09:06 PM // 21:06
Grotto Attendant
By way of constructive criticism:
1. The CS Gon is the weak sister here, and can be removed.
2. Adding Moloch's AP-MoP Bomber would probably at least triple the damage output. Sub in EB for the AoE hex to replace the lost Anthem of Weariness.
3. Buff-bitch build should be a GDW/Orders necro (or Splinter/Orders necro if a hero, or GDW/Splinter/Orders if a human who likes overkill) and should be a core build.
4. An offense-oriented MM with OoU and EBSofHonor would add a good deal of damage on its own, increase the damage from the AP-MoP build even more, give a second copy of EBSofHonor for wider coverage, and soak a great deal of damage (with SY! up, monster AI strongly favors wasting their attacks on minions, so you don't even get hit).
5. Depending on how comfortable you are with only one "healer" and what the mob composition is, I'd give the last slot to:
5a. If another "healer" is needed... a E.Renewal PS/SB/Infuse/Shield Guardian/GDW build (or its weaker hero equivalent).
5b. If casters are a problem beyond what the AP-MoP necro can handle with Technobabble... a broadhead/volley ranger.
5c. If neither of those are concerns... a MS-DB sin.
Nov 23, 2008, 09:12 PM // 21:12
Lion's Arch Merchant
Join Date: Jul 2005
Guild: I Can Break These C[uffs]
Profession: W/
You should consider the use of a Shattering Assault Assassin, it would greatly improve the damage this build can achieve.
Simultaneously the use of a PD mesmer could have beneficial results in shutting down enemy spellcasters.
Nov 23, 2008, 09:28 PM // 21:28
Forge Runner
Join Date: Mar 2006
Profession: N/
Originally Posted by bobby2
When I'm being lazy, stuff sometimes dies too fast. And that's without such a god awesome team to back me up.
moebius is not the most reliable when ur rollin thru things super fast
especially when u have an ap monk that wants things dead as fast as possible
sin bar is a weaker variation than the standard ms/db and needs teh res sig removed from it
and imo quite a few other ones r as well
3/4 hard resses is a bit overkill
im also sad that theres no gdw
and i also think blessed light/gole is a bad combo
derv could use an ias
etc etc bunch of other stuff im too lazy to post
nuthin really new here
dun see y u felt teh need to post this as i thought these builds were already fairly common knowledge
personally i think it woulda been better off leavin optional slots
wit recommendations of a variety of skills to fill those optional slots wit
ur version/variation of the widely known builds r mediocre at best
Nov 23, 2008, 09:40 PM // 21:40
Lion's Arch Merchant
Join Date: Jul 2005
Guild: I Can Break These C[uffs]
Profession: W/
Originally Posted by snaek
moebius is not the most reliable when ur rollin thru things super fast
especially when u have an ap monk that wants things dead as fast as possible
sin bar is a weaker variation than the standard ms/db and needs teh res sig removed from it
and imo quite a few other ones r as well
3/4 hard resses is a bit overkill
im also sad that theres no gdw
and i also think blessed light/gole is a bad combo
derv could use an ias
etc etc bunch of other stuff im too lazy to post
nuthin really new here
dun see y u felt teh need to post this as i thought these builds were already fairly common knowledge
personally i think it woulda been better off leavin optional slots
wit recommendations of a variety of skills to fill those optional slots wit
ur version/variation of the widely known builds r mediocre at best
You're retarded, this build is highly innovative. Clearly (as indicated by the quality of your typing) you have absolute no idea what a good build entails. Faer has obviously put forth a good deal of effort into the build which has produced a very high quality PVE skill set.
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