decent pvp build?
Just something i was playing around with this morning, not sure if its any good, havent tried it yet (at work atm). let me know if this has been tried before and if its viable.
Me/N Withering Denial
Curses 12
Domination 12+1+3
Inspiration ?+1
Fast Casting ?+2
* Wither {E}
* Mind Wrack
* Malaise
* Energy Burn
* Energy Tap
* Ether Feast
* Ether Signet or Rez Signet
* Optional
Good Choices for Optional Slot:
Against Monks:
* Shame
* Shatter Enchantment
* Backfire
* Diversion
Against Other Casters:
* Shatter Enchantment
* Backfire
* Power Spike
* Signet of Disruption
* Diversion
Against Melee:
* Empathy
* Physical Resistance
* Spirit of Failure
* Price of Failure