I am 100% disappointed with Hard mode UW. It's a total letdown.
Our 5 man group (& take three pugs) was able to clear using the exact same tactics and skills and playstyle that we used before. So what if an aataxe is a couple levels higher, it was pretty tough before. Its not like you werent already super defensive.
The mindblade specters are still a joke (take reccuperation and life and they dont do any damage [I'd hoped for improvesd skillbars sisnce these have been cake ever since factions came out]).
On top of that, the hard mode UW drops are the same crap. Ecto seemed to drop at the same rate, and UW items are still non-inscribable, with no unique skins where an inscribable versions isnt available someswhere else. Loot and playstyle seemed to me to be exactly the same. There is really no reason to do Hard mode UW in a group and thats sad.
As for observations on hard mode changes:
(1) The grasping darknesses & coldfire nights now do non-trivial damage to casters, but warriors can still tank them just fine.
(2) The obsidian golems have improved armor vs elements, and killing them with fire is much more annoying than even before, but these guys still arent threateneing
I'm sure that hard mode UW can still be soloed becaus ethe whole place struck me as exactly the same as before but with the solofarm nerf, and similar drop rates, I just dont see the point. Its pretty much exactly the same so why not go with the place that has cheaper keys and stupider AI.