ok, i need to say this first. this build will work fine in pve. you will be able to complete most any mission, and fight your way through most any area. that being said, i probably wouldnt want you in any pug that i joined, nor would many others.
1) weapons attribute. 12 is just not enough on a warrior. most pve warriors run 16 weapon, with minimum being 14. at 12, you are really just gimping your dmg output for no good reason.
2) water magic. if you are going to run water magic on a warrior, it had better be for conjure frost. if you are using it for either dmg spells, dmg reduction, or speed buffs, you are just wasting both energy and attributes. any speed buffs or dmg reductions you need are already available to you in the warrior lines.
the rest looks pretty much standard for a pve warrior. a good model to run, but by no means the only set up, usually goes something like:
Elite Attack Skill
Attack Skill
Attack Skill
Attack Skill/Utility
Self Heal