I use as R/Mo
Tiger's Fury
Savage Shot
Throw Dirt
Favorable Winds
Comfort Animal
Charm Animal
My attributes after minor runes and a superior rune of marksmanship on a marksmanship mask are:
12 Beast Mastery
11 Expertise
14 Marksmanship
I find this to be an excellent build. If you need to carry Winnowing instead, you can drop a couple of levels out of Beast Mastery (drops TF duration from 10 seconds to 9) to put in Wilderness Survival.
Why no self heals? Well...if you need to depend on Troll Unguent, you're already dead. Even if you do manage the three seconds to cast it without being interrupted, it'll take less than three seconds for a Grasp of Insanity to tear you apart. Take Throw Dirt. Defensively, it's much better.