Yeah, I ran an IWAY Strength pet build in Yaks
Brought a lvl 5 moa and let it get chewed up
Then went to town with Bonettis, pen attack, Iway, and dual shot for adrenaline
Dont forget Hunter shot with that . Bleeding and poison are degen best friends when they're stacking.
So, we have, in short:
Monk with Judge Insight
Necro with Weaken Armor
W/R as Heavy Ranger
Ranger for Crippling and Conditions
-7HP degen from poison and bleeding
-20 armor from Weaken Armor
About +50% armor pen from Penetrating shot, Strength and Judge Insight
Lightning Elementalist with that? lol!
Why can't the curse necro also bring barbs? Barbs adds alot more damage than weaken armour i think. About +12 damage or so at max curses.
Barbs+Weaken armour is a really good combo for increased damage.