Important Tidbit
Just to get it in print:
I just noticed something while playing my FPE Assassin. I'd accidentally missed my BMT, but hadn't quite noticed in time and was cursing the wasted recharge on Jungle Strike, when...
It went off and failed instead of missed.
In other words, if you end up launching off-hand and dual attacks after a missed lead, they don't recharge, they stay ready for use. You pay the energy cost of being an idiot (>_<), but this makes Dagger Mastery much more viable.
Pardon me if this was already common knowledge before, but I'd never heard of anyone doing this. That and the fact that just that sort of thing is one of the major complaints against Dagger Mastery and Assassin primaries made me want to ensure it got out.
Feel free to flame away now :-P