I've been fooling around with my R/N to try and find a good solo build, but the ones i've found aren't very effective. If any1 has a good R/N solo build, could you post? thx
You might try using Traps with Mark of Pain. Thats been going around lately, though I haven't tried it yet. I believe barb trap triggers physical damage. Give it a shot.
Mark of Pain is fun to use with Dual Shot + Quickshot. Its essentially an AoE bomb. Baddies scatter if you trigger mark more than once, but Quick shot and Dual shot will hit about the same time and deal alot of damage. You could then start picking off baddies.
No it doesn't please get your facts right. Apply Poison when not trigger when Barbed trap is activated. Apply Poison will only work when you shoot an arrow or swing sword/axe/hammer and hit the foe.