using battlerage on the basis of powering a ton of skills from the adrenaline gaining ability alone is a pretty weak build
you need to take advantage of the second aspect: the ability to not need energy and therefore can do something useful with it like maintained enchants
you can throw on a major strength or even go double superior with full health armor, and +30 sword/shield to maximize battlerage length:
16 axe
14 or 15 str
if you do lifebond throw the rest in in prot, lifebond doesnt need alot of prot
-use one enchant and put on 2 casters
-i know some may disagree but i think axe can be effective too as a battlerage build: dismember-rake-penetrating-executioners-furious/disruptive/second penetrating
now you get to add extra defense and can apply pretty good pressure damage with battlerage and 5 attack skills
thx for the axe imput not being a major axey i didnt know that much about it. if u check the no energy build also mine which wos my previous one i did maintain enchants by using mending and live vicourisly put most ppl didnt like the 4 way split