How to farm IDS with Wa/Mo
Build Title: Wa/Mo IDS Farming Build
Been tweaking builds a lot while farming Ids - Icy Dragon Sword. This is the most reliable one in my opinion, even better than Wa/me - especially after the Ice Golems started spreading rust all over. This build does not use Heal Sig. I also like that i can use my regular farming-build with monk secondary and don't have to switch to mes secondary.
1 8 healing
2 5 smite
3 16 str
4 10 axe
5 3 Tactics
1 Sprint (for the running part only)
2 Dolyak Signet (Important for armor, use constantly against imps, and against Giants if you are nearly killed while running past)
3 Defy Pain (Important for armor, use constantly againts imps, and sometimes while running)
4 Watch Yourself! (For armor against imps, use constantly)
5 Power Attack (With 16 str this gives a powerful attack. Kill an imp with 4-5 of these) Exchangeable for res or other skills.
6 Cyclone Axe (Helps farm the imps more efficiently) Exchangeable for res or other skills.
7 Balthazars Spirit (Gives energy and adrenalin in massive amounts while attacking imps, or giants)
8 Mending (Your life saver)
Helm - Platemail Helm, +1 strength comes with helm.
Chest - Platemail
Gloves- Knights - gives the dmg reduction bonus on all attacks
Legs - Platemail
Boots - Platemail
Shield - +16def, -2 dmg while enchanted. Thorgall's for example.
Weapon - Max axe with some defence mod and customized to farm more efficent. Hopefully some 15/50 or the likes too.
Superior Strengt rune is needed.
Minor tactics
Minor Axe
Minor/major/sup vigor
Minor/major/sup absorbtion
For the running part, team up with someone to learn the route. There are 2 different routes in tasca's demise and 2 different in mineral springs that works well.
Hyl Thunderwing:
In mineral springs you can sometimes meet Hyl Thunderwing, an avicara boss. On the north route he's by either of the two bridges, and on the south route he's in the narrow, dark valley. He's an elemental spiker, spiking you and using iron mist, stalling u for quite some time. If you are running solo and are unprepared for the meeting with him he will most surely kill you...Doing the south route it is easy to get past him, the north one I haven't found the solution for. I always do the south one because of him. Doing the south route, and I see him in the narrow, dark valley, I turn around, run down to the giants and let them hammer me for a while. With baltazars spirits my adrenalin gets recharges...I sprint away from them and just before aggroing Hyl i activate Defy Pain and watch yourself. He spikes and uses Iron Mist. After the Iron Mist is finish i sprint away. Easy does it.
If there are an avicara group just next to the imps, try to see if there is some way of pulling them, then try to sprint past. If not u have to kill them or start over...The only way of killing them with this build is by pulling them a long way so that you get an avicara wise on his own attacking you. Kill him, and one by one comes running to get you. You take them as they come, if more than one come, just run off. The two avicara braves you can handle at the same time using all the armor skills you have.
Before imps:
Besure that you have both mending and balts spirit active. If your new at this, try to aggro small groups at a time. For armor spam constantly dolyak, defy pain and watch yourself. For attack use power attack and cyclone axe. Try to get next to several imps, then use especiallu cyclone axe.
If you have trouble staying alive against imps you can try swapping balthazars spirit with watchful spirit. Gives you 2 more pips of hp regen. Or throw in a stance that suits your build. Bonettis help against mountain trolls, for example.
It's also possible to throw out defy pain and use warriors endurance (elite) to get energy if you don't have balthazars spirit. It is not that a reliable build, though.