Quickshot vs. Punishing shot in pure damage build
Okay, I've always assumed that Ranger spike groups always used Quickshot in tandem with Dual shot because the hits landed at about the same time...thus increasing the potential for an instant kill. But I've noticed that alot of Ranger Spikers are using Punishing shot instead... So I ask, How do the two skills compare?
I've always used these core skills for a damage build
1. Preperation (kindle, ignite, RtW, etc.)
2. Dual Shot
3. Quick Shot
4. Bow attack (Pen Attack, Hunter's, etc.)
Of course I'd always use the Prep first and then just rotate using Dual shot and the other bow attack with a Quick shot in between. Will I actually get more damage output with Punishing shot even with the recharge time? Or is it aimed at making the Ranger more versitle?
Also I've noticed not many people use Quickshot to begin with. More people use Dual shot with a couple of Ranger skills. So am I shorting myself completely on damage? Has anyone crunched the numbers for this one? I'm gonna work the math, but I was wondering what everyone else thought.